How are you, Frits? I hope all is well.
What I am wishing for is to be able to selct an event ( by this I mean a MIDI or audio clip on a track, not an individual MIDI note or CC ), right click, and select “duplicate” which would copy, and paste exactly at the end of the selected clip automatically. This speeds things up quite a bit. Another option could be like the ‘repeat’ function in Audacity – again, select an event, right click, select “repeat”, and a little box opens with a number field in which you place the number of times you want it duplicated; put a three in the box, hit ok, and it would place three copys one after the other, directly after the selected one. For me, this function would be a godsend, not only for MIDI track editing, but also in audio sample editing.
I know you have lots of plans for the future of Podium, and I look forward to seeing what comes. Thanx for such an excellent creative tool.