Hey all,
Just getting back into using Podium after a long break, so apologies in advance if what I’m asking here is already in 2.07, but I just haven’t found it yet :
Currently in the track properties menu, there are 3 midi options – transpose, ramdomize note timing & randomize note velocity :
Would anyone else like to see these moved to the Params panel in the Inspector ? This would make accessing these options easier, as you could just drag transpose and drop it on a track and be able to change it on-the-fly using the mini-dials Podium currently has, rather than having to use the menu :
Also thought a velocity add/sub option would be nice. This would allow you to increase or decrease the velocity en-mass for all the notes in a track without having to select them all in the editor, etc… (too used to using the velocity doctor from Bars&Pipes…)
I realise these kind of options will be covered when Podium gets midi plugin support, but thought they’d come in handy until then.
Any thoughts ?