Topic: FR: Smart grouping/wraping tracks + multiple mapping idea

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  • #662

    let’s suppose there are two tracks A and B with hierarchy level 2, connected to master track with hierarchy level 1.
    Now its nessesary to put track c which processes A and B with limiter. Of course, tracks A and B suppose to commutee throught track c, that means their hierarchy becomes 3, and new limiter-track C will have level 2.
    For now, I got two ways to do that:
    1. Do “add new subtrack” at the master track. One more track C with hierarchy level 2 will be added, and I manualy increase hierarchy level of A and B to 3.
    2. Do “wrap in new group track” at track A, and manualy increase hierarchy level of B to 3.
    There is no function in the program to select few tracks and do something like “wrap in” with them.
    And another good idea: add function that could insert one more track betwen existing tracks with automaticaly increasing child tracks hierarchy levels.
    What do you think?


    I know that the “multiple mappings” is on the plan. It might be useful to have an option that converts one multiple-mapped track to a couple of tracks, each of them mapped to the different plugin. It will be very useful when bouncing (actually freezing) FX with different hierarchy level.

    Also might be very good to add “clue” and “mute” instruments in Podium. 8)


    One item on the future plan is selection of multiple tracks. Once this is implemented, all track commands such as delete or grouping would be applied to all selected tracks. I think this is a better way to support more flexible track organization, rather than adding new commands for grouping multiple tracks.

    One trick I normally use when I want to put several tracks into a group, is to collapse the parent group, increase the group level of the parent group (the entire group is affected), unfold the parent group, and decrease the group level of the parent (only the parent is affected). Thus you have added an extra unused level between the parent and all its children. Then you can easily insert a new group track between the previous parent and the sub tracks.


    Thanks, Frits!

    Now I’m wating for implemention of multiple tracks selection. 🙂

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