Hi all,
Revisiting several old posts and given I am at a point where I need to decide (again) on what software I will use for running my little pc-studio, I need to ask this here, as maybe some other will like to know the answer.
As I said it several times in here, I LOVE Podium and I think it is a great little program that has GREAT potential, but to me and maybe some others too, it is not very clear at all what will be the future of Podium. We’ve posted in several different threads about the future development and yet, there isn’t any clear answer from you about it.
As Zynewave is really one-man-show type of bussines, I really believe you could let us know on how you see the next steps in developing Podium. I know it is difficult to anticipate, there are many factors involved, you have other responsabilities and all these – legitimate issues – but honestly, I don’t believe these really make a difference. That’s why, personally, I’d be very glad to get a clear answer from you – of course, if you want to give that, about what’s next.
You did reffered many times to your agenda and to how various FR are in there, but for some time now, it is not clear what or when is gonna happen. Please let us know what you are working on (of course Podium wise) and give us some insight on what is to be in the future.
So, please, can you tell us what (maybe even when) the next steps are? I need to know, because I do want to use Podium for future too. I know I’ve been vocal about TS feature, but really it’s not about that only! It is about seeing and getting the sense of “alive” from you! Please give us some information about what’s coming!
Thank you! For what Podium is and for what will become!
All the best!
The current thing I’m working on is a revision of the plugin loading system. As mentioned in other threads, plugins that take a long time to load (such as NI Kontakt with large samplesets) can cause the Podium UI to momentarily block, leading to other related problems. I don’t know how long that will take. I’ve purchased the Spitfire Audio Albion1 orchestral library for Kontakt to have a large sampleset to experiment with, and I’ll continue to work on the plugin handling until all problems have been sorted. Don’t know how long that will take.
Beyond that, I have not made a decision on what the next step will be. Things like improved project/sound file handling (automatic sound ifle import etc.) is high on my list. I know you’re interested in time-stretching, but I unfortunately cannot give a timeline for that feature.
I had to smile all the way through as I read adimatis’ post here. Obviously, most of us know what this is all about. I just finished over on Wildfire’s thread advocating (again) for a Virtual Keyboard feature, since he, like so many Podium newbies and starving artists, he’s asked for it in the thread because he needs one!
For the record, personally, the only feature I really need — and I’d even be willing to pay for — would be the inclusion of that Metronome Pre-Count, sometimes called a Count-In, you know, 2 to 4 bars of clickity clack to help get going on recording sections or track — I want it to clack for X measures and then kindly Shut Up for the rest of the segment. (I truly hate having a click track running constantly and have been recording long enough that I really don’t need that ‘help’.)
Also for the record, I’ll state for the sake of this thread that I am not remotely interested in adding Time Stretching, except that I know well how a few others want it badly. (I’m just going to buy Melodyne eventually for that — assuming Melodyne works well inside Podium — does anyone know?)
I’m fully aware that I must come off as some sort of a hard-butt and adversary when it comes to discussing the ongoing lack of features and dev stuff. At its core, this comes from prior business experience. I’m personally and overall quite pleased with my Podium experience, especially after having got a few things straightened out and a few small workarounds set in place.
And I have plenty of compassion for this ‘one-man show’ issue. I’ve been there in other business. However, this has to be a lessor concern when it comes to attracting and retaining newer users and longer-term users. Podium, to me, is a most wonderful DAW, but let’s face it — in regard to certain lack of basic features it is clearly half-baked in some critical respects. I had to add REAPER as a DAW basically to be able to get ALL my work done. I don’t regret that needed addition in any way, as these two DAWs complement each other and work beautifully together. At the same time, I can look at Podium objectively and see very plainly that it could be on a somewhat better path.
EXAMPLE: This soon ‘Fix’ for the troublesome loading of certain plugins is good and needed work. Yes, it has been a nuisance to some users more than others and ought to be remedied. Personally, I would have fixed something else first. With this issue, I would have instead just added an important, impossible-to-miss Note: “RE-Load separately plugins that give trouble. Here’s why . . .” and then got back to it later. I’ve had a few that needed to be loaded separately, after the bulk of others, but it really wasn’t a big deal if you know what the issue is! About the same with the files IMHO. I think some improvements there are worthwhile and will be helpful to some users, but I can easily think of another half dozen items that need fixing more urgently.
Yeah, now that you mention it, I’m spending an awful lot of time maintaining my plugin database and then having to load the most recently updated list into every current project and template. If only I could check a nice little box in Preferences that said, “load plugin database to any project when opening (global database option).” Or something to that effect.
The situation has changed, you see. Not only are plugins being updated by makers quite frequently now, often changing the name or Mk number, which Podium does not ‘see’ as a newer version of the former plugin, but new plugs are showing up every single day. These need to be installed upon discovery, making for a very tedious chore of maintaining the list and then loading it into every project.
@Zynewave wrote:
Things like improved project/sound file handling (automatic sound ifle import etc.) is high on my list.
Good! Thanks. 8) Really looking forward to seeing that (when you are ready). 🙂
Thank you Frits for posting on the subject, I apreciate it. You were a little shorter than I would’ve liked though!… 😉
Now, in all honestly, I’d propose there was an update every two or three months, when these smaller issues get solved and people do get that feeling of something is happening. Truth is, there’s a good while since the last update. Could it be the longest ever in Podium history? I don’t know, but I am sure it could…
Anyway, if a count-in feature, alongside with some other optimization, so on and so forth would be released in updates in several updates a year, there is action, something happenes, people are sticking to it, they are happy they het something more. You know how that works. Is it impossible to do such thing?
Take Tracktion for example. Now they are trying very hard to get back some interest from people, but it’s quite difficult as for years there was no updates at all. Why not? People felt they were just using a dead product and slowly they moved on. Well, some die-hards will try it again, but the large user-base disappeared.
Well, thanks again for posting – maybe doing this once in a while will be actually really beneficial for us all.
All the best!
Tele, you might have been wrong about me this time! 😉 No actual request for TS. But of course, if you brought it up… [-o< 😀
@alex wrote:
Plugin scan – adding new and removing deleted plugins (from the list) at every launch.
Preferably, this would be optional behaviour, as the Telenator suggests. I like that Podium loads fast. A plugin scan at each launch would be stifling. With the current device list, it would also mean a scan would occur each time a project was open (within the same session of Podium).
@The Telenator wrote:
… time maintaining my plugin database and then having to load the most recently updated list into every current project and template.
I do the same. The template I maintain is updated each time I install a plugin to my system. It also has a customised hierarchy, grouping plugins by type, for easier selection in the arrangement.
The pull down menu for prescribing the desired device list, on the project start page, used to include project templates.
@Levendis wrote:
@alex wrote:
Plugin scan – adding new and removing deleted plugins (from the list) at every launch.
Preferably, this would be optional behaviour, as the Telenator suggests. I like that Podium loads fast.
O.K. I didn’t bother to explain this, because I was sure Frits knew what I was talking about.
No worries, Levendis 🙂 It goes like this:
Podium should actually only scan for what has changed, meaning, it would only need as much time to load the new plugins as you would need to do it manually, and at the same time it should also remove the deleted plugins from the list (so, that you don’t have to rescan for that). So, unless you change something in your VST folder(s), nothing happens. 😉
Cheers, Alex
One problem I have with automatic removal of plugins and so on is in cases where older songs are loaded, and the VST has since been deleted. I have had this occur.
Podium is the first host I’ve used that actually keeps it there, along with the data, even if it can’t actually use the plugin, because it’s not there. That means I can go and try to source it again, and plug it back into the project. I believe (?? though I haven’t tested it much at all?) that I can edit and save the project and it will retain that data regardless if the plugin is missing or not, until I actually remove that from the project. Please correct me if I’m wrong, though, for my own peace of mind if nothing else. :S
I like automation, and I think it’s a balance. But, as a sporadic user of music software (and quite possibly a minority), I sometimes have stuff I’ve worked on from a long time ago that I want to load … but I’ve renamed VST files (yes I’m obsessive), or deleted them, and hadn’t realised I’d used them in something, and then … other hosts I’ve used just remove it and then instead of having a chance at fixing it up, I’m left with nothing, to try to work out how to get back there again.
Automatic plugin scanning at the start is trickier than it sounds, too, in my opinion. How does Podium know whether a plugin has been updated or not, whether it exists or not, and so on? You can look at files … but updated VSTs with the same filename, does it bother to check them? If so, it needs to read at least some of the VST to check version or other data. Or, you could use the file system’s last date modified, but then what if it’s not correct? What if it’s the same, and Podium skips it, and it turns out to have added parameters that you’ll miss because it wasn’t reimported?
Just some thoughts. Having to read the VSTs to check if they’re updated or not may increase loading time enough to make it not a lot less than just reloading them all, though only programmers with experience would be able to know whether this is truly the case or not (I’m not one, I only suggest this is the case).
@druid wrote:
Automatic plugin scanning at the start is trickier than it sounds, too, in my opinion. How does Podium know whether a plugin has been updated or not, whether it exists or not, and so on? You can look at files … but updated VSTs with the same filename, does it bother to check them? If so, it needs to read at least some of the VST to check version or other data. Or, you could use the file system’s last date modified, but then what if it’s not correct? What if it’s the same, and Podium skips it, and it turns out to have added parameters that you’ll miss because it wasn’t reimported?
energyXT doesn’t do a plugin scan at all, it just lists any .dll files in your plugin folder. The plus is that you can add or remove plugins without the need for rescanning. The minus is that you’ll only know if a plugin is compatible/working once you try to load it.
O.K. I knew some of these questions would be asked 🙂
Automatic scanning for new plugis is not a problem – that’s what everybody’s doing manually now and I’m convinced that should be solved.
The other part is trickier:
@druid wrote:
Automatic plugin scanning at the start is trickier than it sounds, too, in my opinion. How does Podium know whether a plugin has been updated or not, whether it exists or not, and so on? .
It knows whether it exists or not because it’s in the VST folder or not
But, as The Telenator has already mentioned, Podium will not know If some plugin is the updated version of the old one, sometimes. On the other hand, that’s already the problem, ain’t it? If you want to use a new version of your favorite plugin you’re gonna do it, don’t matter what, aye?
@druid wrote:
One problem I have with automatic removal of plugins and so on is in cases where older songs are loaded, and the VST has since been deleted. I have had this occur.
Why would you delete the plugin that you use (have used) in projects unless you have the newer version?
What’s possible, for sure, is that if you load the old plugins back, Podium will put them right where they were before, with all your settings, of coarse (I know that works in other software). The other thing I’ve noticed (accidentally) is that if you have two .dll files in your folder(s) that represent the same plugin (that was the same version in my case), Podium will load both of them (maybe it should stay that way(?)). I remember that I’ve read somewhere that the x software, while scanning (when building plugin database for the first time) will, if you have two versions of the same plugin, load the first one and skip the other don’t matter if it’s the newer or the older one (that means it recognizes it’s the same plugin, but doesn’t care).
I would like that Podium lists only what’s in the VST folder (what kingtubby described), but I am aware of the problems. On the other hand, some of them already exist. Finally, I have to say that I know absolutely nothing about programming, so I can only talk about things I’ve seen in other apps.
Maybe, Frits has the solution.
P.S. Another thing that should (and can) be solved – new plugins should be usable in all old projects as soon as they’re loaded.
Cheers, Alex
@alex wrote:
Why would you delete the plugin that you use (have used) in projects unless you have the newer version?
Are you familiar with Elogxa’s Baxxpander (not sure if I got the number of X letters correct)? I found a replacement, and as I hadn’t created that many songs, I thought I wouldn’t have used it anywhere. So I deleted it.
… and then many months later, I tried to load some older songs, and realised I HAD used it. Oops! And as I have a naming scheme for VSTs (they are horribly non-standardised, when relying on filename, so I “fix” that…), when I downloaded it and put it in the same folder, it didn’t work. I had to give it the same filename (of course, knowing my naming scheme helps in this case…)
Anyway, my original point is that plugins can be deleted. And forgotten that they’d been used… I wouldn’t say it’s a large case, but just something to keep in mind, is all!
I’ve done it, too — forgot I’d used some plugin long ago, never had a chance to finish the project, etc.
Plugins all have a unique identifier (e.g., j7X1), except for a freakish few, a perfect example is the Arturia minimoog V original, that one they were giving away free in honor of Bob Moog the day their server also caught on fire from too many requests. (I grabbed mine at 4 a.m. because that is the best virtual software clone of the Minimoog ever made, and I saw that the demand was going to be overwhelming. You should have read the whining, threats and cussing over at KVR forums from the spoiled Entitlement Generation who weren’t able to get theirs immediately that day. Utterly disgraceful.)
Now, some makers give major updates a new ID and some don’t. DAWs read these IDs to know one VST from another. Also, Podium does not always load two or more of the same ID’ed dll without going in and using the renaming trick on any copies, although occasionally it will. I run both V1 and V2 of TyrellN6 — the V1 has no FX and uses some other preset banks, but both versions have the same ID. I added ‘V1’ to the older dll because it wouldn’t load alongside V2 otherwise.
Remember that Podium is one of those hosts that normally uses ‘relative’ plugin paths unless you tell it otherwise. And it can still find a plug if moved to one folder away usually, as long as the item is still inside the parent VSTPlugins folder. A very helpful feature for those of us who reshuffle or house clean once a year!
I basically like the whole construct, except for one big problem. If you have 20-30 ongoing projects as I do, If you update your PluginDatabase, maybe because a new and awesome VST or VSTi has just been released, you then have to click ‘Load PluginDatabase’ and click Save on every one of the unfinished projects, if you want the new plug available for use in those 20-30. This, mates, is totally nuts. I like the setup otherwise, as I said, but there really needs to be a global loading option, New instruments and numerous updates that Podium will not necassarily recognise are released every couple of days lately. After I had collected a good half-dozen new and needed to update my database, I then had to spend a maddening hour-plus updating each project from the updated database. It’s a complete pain and time waster.