Topic: Fronter AlphaTrack as Mackie?

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  • #1367

    Hello lads

    I realise that the MCU-support in Podium is a very recent addition, but has anyone tried Frontiers AlphaTrack control unit with Podium?
    Information seem to be lacking, but from what I can tell, the AlphaTrack should be able to run in emulated mackie-mode. And as such, nearly all functions should be functioning.

    Anyone had the opportunity to try it yet? A full version of Podium is looming for me πŸ™‚


    I glanced at the AlphaTrack MIDI documentation, and it seems it only supports HUI emulation mode. So the current Podium Mackie Control support will not work with the AlphaTrack.


    Ah, yes that’s right. HUI-mode is what AlphaTrack does (whatever that is, heh). But thanks for the answer. I’ll keep looking for other options as far as hardware control goes.


    I’ll keep looking for other options as far as hardware control goes.

    Keep me posted of what you find out. The only surface I know so far will work with Podium, apart from the Mackie products, is the Behringer BCF2000. Why is the BCF2000 not an option for you?


    The control surfaces Ive found so far that support Mackie Control are:

    Behringer BCF2000 *
    Yamaha 01x
    M-Audio Projectmix I/O

    * = the Behringer doesnt really appeal to me as it lacks a “real” LCD-display, showing track/mixer parameters. The Mackie Universal Control is the most appealing to me since it holds both time- as well as parameter LCD-displays. Unfortunately though, they have removed the standard MCU and now currently only offer the PRO-version. Both this as well as the Yamaha 01x and M-audio Projectmix are a bit on the costly side though.

    I’ll let you know whatever else I can find out.


    Unfortunately though, they have removed the standard MCU and now currently only offer the PRO-version.

    I purchased my MCU (non-PRO) from a German shop that still had a batch on stock. I think you should be able to find shops that are selling the older model cheap. I paid 800 Euros (ex. VAT) for mine. I bought the older model because I prefer the dark/round button design over the new white/square button design.


    You read my mind like a book πŸ™‚ Or I read my own mind to slow, heh. Just began googling and searching ebay as well. Maybe I can find one out there for cheap(er).

    Btw, if you have some spare time on your hands, check out your incoming e-mail folder πŸ™‚ I’ll be sending a purchase request for you, so that I may pay by paypal πŸ™‚ Hope you dont mind…

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