Topic: Generic plugin editor in track inspector

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  • #864

    It would be very nice if we could use both, the generic editor inside the track inspector (plugins like the Classic Edition do not really need the GUI to be opened), and the native GUI when pressing “e”.

    It is a nice way to edit in the track inspector. And faster than opening thousands of windows..


    @Podianer wrote:

    It would be very nice if we could use both, the generic editor inside the track inspector (plugins like the Classic Edition do not really need the GUI to be opened), and the native GUI when pressing “e”.

    It is a nice way to edit in the track inspector. And faster than opening thousands of windows..

    Yes, good idea. It would be nice to have some sort of option to do away with using a plug in’s GUI. At least something optional.

    Logic has a system that allows you to open one instance of a GUI and then replace it with any active or selected plug, be that an instrumetnt or effect. It means you never have more than one GUI open at any time.

    But your suggestion is better still. If any plug could be represented in the Track inpsector, and there was some way to pick any 5 key parameters that would be great.

    Cakewalk have implemented such features into Project 5 and Sonar 5. You simple choose which paramemters you want to see..any 4 I think.

    So a compressor can have 4 assignable sliders…one for ratio, release e.t.c So as Podium already shows which parameters can be automated for a given plug, maybe Frits can make the already available parameters available as 4 or 5 assignable sliders in the Track inpsector.

    He he. I may have drifted off slightly from your original idea but…hey 🙂


    The optional generic editor is possible in the current release. You can turn it on when you go to the properties of a plugin mapping. What I meant was, that it would be nice to have both, the generic one in the inspector and the native one when pressing “e”.


    @Podianer wrote:

    The optional generic editor is possible in the current release. You can turn it on when you go to the properties of a plugin mapping. What I meant was, that it would be nice to have both, the generic one in the inspector and the native one when pressing “e”.

    Sorry I misunderstood you then. 😉

    Yes, while the generic editor is possible it cannot be docked like it is by default in Sonar or Project 5 which would be nice. At the moment its another floating window which can be avoided by allowing the generic editor to be docked into the Track inspector.

    I think I need to start a new thread as the ideas I have are similar to yours but still different. This thread has actually given me some more ideas for Podium.

    I need to think it through and list them properly 😆


    At the moment its another floating window which can be avoided by allowing the generic editor to be docked into the Track inspector.

    That is possible already! At least with my version of Podium.. 😛 (press F5 on your plugin track; needs the native editor to be disabled)

    Or do you mean that the native editor should be docked to the Podium UI? Perhaps I got you wrong on this..



    @Podianer wrote:

    That is possible already! At least with my version of Podium.. 😛 (press F5 on your plugin track;

    Well well…! Right you are it does dock. I have many projects that would have been finished ages ago if not for the playback bug, so I simply have not ventured that far into this particular area of Podium.

    The playback bug has been an annoyance. Great starting projects in Podium, but can’t playback the finished product.

    I tend to use the standard GUI available with any given plug. It can be better to see and understand how exactly one should best use an EQ or Compressor.

    Having said that, I think the way the parameters are made available (docked) 8) is even better than Sonar’s implementation which only shows four parameters at any given time.

    This feature like many sadly in Podium is a hidden gem. If Frits can get playback functioning properly then I can start finishing those projects. They have been on the back burner since 1.48. 🙄

    The parameters in Podiums Generic GUI will not update if the track is muted and a preset is changed on a selected track. This confused me initially but unmuting the track allowed Podium to update the generic GUI with any preset changes. Smooth. 😉

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