Topic: Greetings my Lords!!!

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  • #1771

    Yes this is actually an FR thread…Frits don’t worry 😛 but with a theme 8)

    “Hmmmmm…Podium is shaping up very nicely despite Sarumans efforts to stop it with legions of Orcs, Frits has done a great job…yesssss a good job indeed. Podium will be an important weapon in this war. It’s reliability, consistency, elegance and polish is only matched by the splendour of the White City of Gondor. For 300 man years I have lived on Earth but have yet to see an Audio and Midi host this good”.

    I have posted a good number of FR’s over the years of which *many* have been implemented (as have many other forum members here). It is that sort of response to user feedback that makes me take the time put FR’s together as I know Frits wants to know what we have to say about Podium and really does take suggestions onboard.

    In any case these FR’s are of course what I think should be added to Podium so it will likely not reflect anyone elses wish list, but may crossover as it is the same app we want new features for.

    A few below are new while some others have been revised. All of them are listed in order of importance (IMO and for me) instead of date posted e.t.c It is far easier for me to manage the many FR’s I have posted over the years this way. I also want to avoid posting the same thing if it is already posted elsewhere. Many FR’s have been taken off my list as they are now in Podium.

    Aragorn FR’s (Top tier)

    “Legolas get them up, this place will be swarming with forum members by night fall”.

    X64 support (Higher ram access…more than 2GB and up to 1TB/1024GB)

    Story so far…

    Many developers now offer final release versions of x64 drivers, x64 plugins and x64hosts…

    Native intsruments
    Echo audio


    Master / Global Arrangement SMR buttons
    Select multiple tracks

    Wave form Peak display:
    Configurable peak display marker that sits on a waveform. User Threshold
    trigger level can be set.

    Clip info when moved
    File Management
    Edit Cursor Configurable snap

    Recovery and Auto Save (Rinxai)
    Auto save (CQSD)
    Project arrangement copies

    Insert x number of tracks
    Mixer snapping
    Recent Projects management
    Track level realtime db values.

    Arwen FRs (Important)

    “I can see Life in Podiums future, an even more vibrant and growing community, not death. There will be many more new features to discuss”

    Mono switch (as in Vegas, ACID, Sonar e.t.c)
    Clip based FX
    Docking of plugin Gui’s
    Large Meter in Inspector Panel
    Names of notes visible on midi data while editing
    Mini Project view

    Legolas FR’s (Very useful, but more important FR’s exist for now)

    “…even more new features have been implemented this night, some force gives speed and accuracy to Frits development process”

    Drum quantisation
    Clip Text colour settings
    Numerical Velocity cells for drum parts
    Drum grooves (Podianer)

    Export Audio options
    File tagging / List view

    Gimli FR’s (Smaller in impact for now IMO but still very useful)

    “So what is this Podium you are all talking about?”

    Render info
    Time stretching
    Midi file preview
    Phase button for mixer strips.
    Pod Cell arranger
    Mixer snapshots
    Shared Project Parts
    Cursor position in new box

    Again this thread also allows me to keep all my FR’s in one place. As there are many (heh), they are much easier to manage (for me) and should get smaller IMO in number, not bigger, as Podium continues to mature over time if these FR’s and any other forum members FR’s make it into Podium in future. :mrgreen:

    Mike G

    Edit Cursor configurable snap+1
    Midi file preview in List view+1


    Epic post dude. 🙂


    I thought the site had been hacked by some Hollywood studio for a moment… 😮

    My vote goes for something that I think Frits is doing soon anyhow.

    Midi Patching please (zMidi ?) ++++1 😛


    How about zHitCreator and zRichAndFamous? 🙂 I would love to see these plugins and I’m pretty sure that its just peanuts for frits to implement these 8)

    But to me a little bit more serious:
    – It would be nice to have improved support for midi/hardware-controls (smiliar to ableton live for example)
    – improved “workflow” stuff like editing multiple events, notes or tracks (selecting, moving, fading, editing length [whatever applies] etc).

    btw. nice post Conquistador! 🙂


    @ronin wrote:

    How about zHitCreator? 🙂

    How do you pronounce that?

    If it’s “ShitCreator” then I can have the plugin ready for you in a couple of days 😆


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @ronin wrote:

    How about zHitCreator? 🙂

    How do you pronounce that?

    If it’s “ShitCreator” then I can have the plugin ready for you in a couple of days 😆

    Nah Frits, I thinks it’s pronounced ‘Zit-Creator’ …gives you pimples apparently 😳

    Sorry CQSD for the frivolities all over your thread.

    Is there an existing FR for the keyboard in the Piano Roll editor to respond to (show depressed key I suppose) the key played on the midi-controller keyboard?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @ronin wrote:

    How about zHitCreator? 🙂

    How do you pronounce that?

    If it’s “ShitCreator” then I can have the plugin ready for you in a couple of days 😆

    You’ve got yourself a deal if it sounds nice! 😆

    But anyway the small hobbit has a small question: is there anything like a roadmap? I’m sure you can’t and won’t give any dates on that but I’m curious on what we can expect for 2009 🙂


    Ahhh yes my Lords, Rohirrim, some replys and counsel for this thread with news from the Riddermark… 😛

    @Mike G wrote:

    Edit Cursor configurable snap+1
    Midi file preview in List view+1

    I’ll use some abbreviations I think… 8)

    This will bring a really diffferent workflow to Podium that is unique to Live AFAICT…and make far more use of Podiums rather slick gapless audio engine / playback which is ideal for real time experimentation.

    This will encourage the saving of Midi parts that can be re used in any project. Previewing them via the list view through any VSTi would be great. Midi files are tiny compared to much larger audio files. One could have a huge stash of Midi files but never make a dent in hard drive space. 8)

    @H-man wrote:

    Epic post dude.

    Thanks! Although not quite as Epic as the LOTR Trilogy though hopefully Podiums fuutre will be as exciting as that. 8)

    @Technophobia wrote:

    Midi Patching please (zMidi ?) ++++1

    What do you mean..? Something like the routing and patching Energy XT offers?

    @ronin wrote:

    It would be nice to have improved support for midi/hardware-controls (smiliar to ableton live for example)

    I’m not really a midi hardware guy (outside of keyboard usage) but funnily enough I would have thought your Midi FR would tie in nicely with Frits Piano roll improvements for 2.09. I think he said a re design of sorts but maybe better midi support will also be looked at.

    – improved “workflow” stuff like editing multiple events, notes or tracks (selecting, moving, fading, editing length [whatever applies] etc).

    Oooh I do like that. Very clever. Would really speed things up!

    btw. nice post Conquistador!

    Thanks 8)

    @ronin wrote:

    But anyway the small hobbit has a small question: is there anything like a roadmap?

    I think Frits has had a Road Map for some time here (last updated on the 20th of Dec 2008) so it is probably pretty much up to date, but yeah something updated for 2009 in more detail would be interesting to see.

    I think Frits kind of goes with the flow though…if there is some unexpected user feedback for a particular feature that he may have had no plans for (additional zoom improvements in the PR in 2.08 for instance) then he has on many occasions just added the FR to whatever release he is working on. Very flexible.

    But getting a glimpse of Frits to do list for 2009 might be more difficult than getting that pesky ring destroyed in the fires of Mount doom! 😛

    Lets see what Frits has to say… your question has made want to have a good look at the current future map..its been ages since I looked at it 🙂

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