Topic: Group Track Questions

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  • #1859
    Mike G

    Few questions about group tracks:

    1 – Why can’t you bounce a group track? (I frequently divide by arrangements into 4 or 5 groups (Drums & Bass, Pads, Vocals, etc.) and I bounce the ones I am not working on at the moment.) It seems that I have to add an effect track (usually a zPEQ with no frequencies in use!) in order to get the tickbox on track properties that allows be to bounce. Or am I missing something?

    2 – What’s the best way to add one group just before the Master? I sometimes put a limiter/compressor on Master but have to create a group track and move all sub tracks/groups up one at a time. I have also just added a limiter between the Master and MainOut but i’m not sure if that’s the best way to do it either.
    How do other people do limiting on master track?

    3 – If I ‘X’ (Bypass) a plug-in does it get unloaded? (This is what I do with the Master limiter during normal mixing)

    4 – What difference does “use as group track” make. I can see no difference with this ticked or not ticked.

    Sorry for multiple questions in single post (in my mind they are all related!)

    Mike G


    @Mike G wrote:

    1 – Why can’t you bounce a group track? (I frequently divide by arrangements into 4 or 5 groups (Drums & Bass, Pads, Vocals, etc.) and I bounce the ones I am not working on at the moment.) It seems that I have to add an effect track (usually a zPEQ with no frequencies in use!) in order to get the tickbox on track properties that allows be to bounce. Or am I missing something?

    Group tracks can be bounced just like normal tracks. Select the group track and press the B key shortcut, or use the bounce submenu.

    2 – What’s the best way to add one group just before the Master? I sometimes put a limiter/compressor on Master but have to create a group track and move all sub tracks/groups up one at a time. I have also just added a limiter between the Master and MainOut but i’m not sure if that’s the best way to do it either.
    How do other people do limiting on master track?

    Are you working in expanded track layout mode and manually adjusting the group levels? This is all easily handled with the “insert effect track” and the “move effect track” submenus.

    3 – If I ‘X’ (Bypass) a plug-in does it get unloaded? (This is what I do with the Master limiter during normal mixing)


    4 – What difference does “use as group track” make. I can see no difference with this ticked or not ticked.

    Lots of small differences: You get the “new child track” command in the track menu. The track will be drawn using the “group track luminance” color setting. The track will have “(group)” appended in the inspector group panel group menus. The group track will appear in the “move to group” submenu for other tracks.

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