Topic: gui crash

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  • #1074

    i am frequently encountering a crash related to the gui (it happens without monitoring even on). when i try to move sequences podium will just crash to the desktop…. i am using quite a large amount of sequences (dont ask why!)… this has happened on several seperate projects of this size… erm it seems to do it especially if i try and move something and zoom in and out at the same time (with ctrl+alt and mousewheel)

    here is a link to a file with the bug… try cloning the boxes in the master for a while and moving them about (particularly between tracks) and you should eventually replicate it (probably quite quickly)…


    Thanks for the file. I found the bug and I’ll fix it for the next 1.77 release. The crash happens when you scroll the event you clicked on off the screen.


    I had this crash several times, too! Thanks for the fix! 🙂


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Thanks for the file. I found the bug and I’ll fix it for the next 1.77 release. The crash happens when you scroll the event you clicked on off the screen.

    hehe that kicks ass, i didn’t think you’d be able to fix it that quick. respect! 🙂


    This crash is driving me crazy.. I forgot it and had two crashes.. I should have known.. 😳

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