I’ve been posting over at KVR about things, since I didn’t see the backwards text thing on the registration page. But now I’m here. Here is my progress so far:
Just thought I would introduce myself, and say that I’m extremely impressed so far with Podium. The ULTIMATE feature that will make this everything I could possibly want is the ability to rewire slave Podium to Tracktion.
I think this will open up a whole new world of customers. I write more about this on that thread.
Anyways, great to finally get in!
Hi and welcome! 🙂
Greetings Koolkeys. 😉
Why would you want to rewire Podium to Tracktion? I come from the Tracktion side and while there are a few things that Tracktion has that Podium doesn’t but I just can’t see myself using Tracktion as my main host. Rewiring Tracktion to Podium would be more reasonable as you would be able to get at the cool routing within Tracktion but for now ext serves that purpose.
I would be fine either way. I just feel that Fritz would be more likely to implement it. I do know that Mackie is very responsive, and I guess you could say that I have “connections”, but I don’t see it in the cards.
It’s not a dealbreaker, to be honest. There are things I can do with Podium using it by itself. And Fritz did say he would consider making it a slave as well. So it will be a very nice and welcome addition.
Hey Brent…. I wasn’t be argumentative (I hope it didn’t come across that way). I’m just curious how you would use POdium slaved to Tracktion? I might be missing something that could be extremely beneficial.
Nothing in particular. Well, except that I really like the MIDI in Podium, and it has a different feel then EXT. I’d still have separate uses for both, and sometimes just for a change of scenery I’d use one or the other.
But just purely for the option of using them together, which is why I said it wasn’t a dealbreaker. Just something that would be cool to consider once rewire is implemented.
So, how long does it take to get a download link once paying? I haven’t done so yet, but again just curious.
And no, I didn’t take anything you said as bad. So no worries! Sometimes people are just curious, just as I am all the time.
So, how long does it take to get a download link once paying?
If I’m online it usually takes only a few minutes. I’m usally not online from 2 to 10 a.m. GMT. 🙂
Check your email shortly. 😉
By the way Fritz, my entire interest in Podium was sparked by the CM edition. Not from trying it, but just at the thought of getting it. I couldn’t wait to get the magazine, so I downloaded the demo. However, I didn’t expect to do anything more then get the magazine and use the free version.
That all changed.
I wouldn’t have even tried Podium if I didn’t plan on getting it for free in the magazine. Although I had heard some good things of it, I really didn’t have any plans on trying it.
So my interest is a direct result of your decision to give away a version for free.
Thanks for the info, Brent.
You’re not the first user to say that if it weren’t for the CM version they probably never would have bothered trying Podium. All in all I think the CM deal was good promotion, as was the German Beat magazine version before that.
Thanks! I figured it was a project worth supporting.
Now to go get it!