Topic: Help, my toolbar is lost and I cant get back!

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  • #1530


    Erm…I was playing around with the Editor Profiles, which to my amazement Ive just discovered.

    In any case, took up the split mixer and thought “Why would I need the toolbar here?” and decided to remove it. Trouble is, now I cant get it back and without the menu/toolbar, all my arrangements are stuck in split mixer-view!

    What do I do?!


    Go back to the project start page and open the menu with the round button at the top left corner. Either select “load default setup” or open the “editor profiles” dialog to manually insert the toolbar back in your mixer profile. If you use “load default setup” you’ll have to redo your interface setup and any other setup customizations.


    *Phew*, I knew it was somewhere, but I just couldnt find it πŸ™‚ Cheers, man!

    Edit: To anyone who might find themselves in the same situation: using the “Load default setup” also resets plugin settings, apparently. Dont learn it the hard way, kids…


    using the “Load default setup” also resets plugin settings, apparently

    What do you mean? Your project (i.e. your plugin mappings) are not affected by “load default setup”.


    Well, loading the default setup, turned all my plugins unavaible. Error message was “Instrument could not be loaded”, and the “I”-icon was shown in red. I resolved the issue by loading a downloaded setup.


    loading the default setup, turned all my plugins unavaible

    This must be because the default VST folder was reset to a location different from where you store your VST plugins. It should be enough to select the proper VST folder in the preferences dialog.


    Aha, a thousand thanks.

    Btw, and forgive me for asking, but I cannot find the answer in the Wiki:

    How do you set for instance Arrangement to Screen 1 and Mixer to Screen 2? Nothing seems to stick to either screen, except for open VST-windows. According to the wiki;

    “Windows in Podium are linked to screens. Switching between screens allows you to quickly change the window layout to suit your preferred workflow for e.g. arranging, mixing, file browsing or plugin editing.”

    However, I just cannot get it to that state, ie with either mixer or arrangement on seperate Podium screens.


    How do you set for instance Arrangement to Screen 1 and Mixer to Screen 2?

    Currently the screens do not store the selected editor profile, but this is something I can add in a future update.

    If you’re looking for a way to quickly switch between editor profiles, you can use the F8/Shift+F8 key shortcuts.


    Great, that will work! Though, in my opinion, it would be a great feature (for versitility if nothing else) if the settings would be stored on each screen.

    Again, cheers πŸ™‚

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