I am wondering how to make EST by Sonicbytes sync transport functions with Podium; I have not been able to get EST, FL studio VSTi, and Energy XT sequencer to start/stop in sync with Podium. Anyone know how, or if it can be done?
I appologise if this has been covered already, I have spent a long time looking for answers, and have not found any.
I know that e.g. the MicroTonic drumsynth can sync with Podium, so it must be a minor issue that causes these others not to sync. I’ll check it out.
ok, cool. 🙂
so, there isn’t a setting that I could be forgetting or not know about, that makes stuff sync with Podium?
so, there isn’t a setting that I could be forgetting or not know about, that makes stuff sync with Podium?
There’s no sync option settings in Podium. Most plugins require that you select whether you want tempo to sync to the host. I don’t know yet how these particular plugins you mentioned are handling this.
Hi Frits:
here’s the link to sonicbytes:
EST is the sampling groovebox. I can use it in Arp mode, or in ins. mode, so it’s not a necessity, but it would be really great if you find anything that might be stopping it.
I have just tried the energyXT 1.28 demo as a VSTi in Podium. I’ve never used energyXT before, so I just tried some quick experiments. I managed to create a sequencer object and by activating the ‘External sync’ in the Options menu, the energyXT play cursor followed the Podium play cursor and responded to tempo changes. There is a ‘Synchronizer’ section in the main window which when enabled syncs tempo to Podium. Although the tempo value field only updated when minimizing/restoring the synchronizer block (small UI bug perhaps?).
Does this in any way answer your question, or did I misunderstand you?
Good news Gabriel,
Today I downloaded the EST plugin demo and indeed there was an oversight in Podium that causes this plugin to ignore sync.
The problem was simply that Podium never set the (nerd-talk: kVstTransportChanged) flag. Not all sequencer-based plugins requires this flag to be able to sync. The Sonicbytes plugins apparently do. From what I read on the Steinberg VST mailing list archive, Fruityloops also requires this flag. With a bit of luck this fix will cure your problem with Fruityloops as well. And if I may dare to be completely optimistic, this will also fix the reported sync problem with the Sonicbytes Gat’r plugin.
The fix will be in 1.20. Please let me know if the sync problems remains after this release.
wow, that’s great news. Thanx so much for looking into it. Hope it works! 🙂 I am sure it will. but even if not, thank you very much for trying.
Hi Frits
I also own EST, and loaded it up in podium today.
The patterns appear to be sync’ing in time, however I am hearing “ghost hits” (which sound like random fills) along random time intervals. Could this issue be related to the issue you fixed in version 1.20? Do you mind checking the EST demo again to see if it works properly (just program a simple kick/snare pattern and listen to see if you can hear ghost notes too)
Thanks heaps
Edit: I have tried changing the buffer size of my sound card, and many settings in EST, all to no avail
Update: Sonicbytes GAT’r appears to be working fine, without any glitches
I have tried EST again. I could not observe any ‘ghost hits’, but I only tried to make a simple pattern without knowing exactly what I was doing. I did observe that when looping in Podium is enabled, there is a double hit at the loop end point. Maybe you can email me a simple project file with the EST plugin on a track and a library preset with the EST patterns (assuming the EST demo will load this). I may be able to hear the ghost notes then.
Hi Frits
I was about to send you a project file, but then I worked out what was causing the problem.
I had a MIDI input map assigned to the track EST was on (a mapping for my midi keyboard). When I unselected the map, the ghost notes stopped!
I wonder if you can do anything about this (ie implement something to stop it occuring), or if any other plugins are affected?
I had a MIDI input map assigned to the track EST was on (a mapping for my midi keyboard). When I unselected the map, the ghost notes stopped!
Having the MIDI input map assigned to a plugin track, should only affect the plugin if there is any MIDI input received. I just tried with my keyboard, and I don’t get any random ghost notes (unless i play my keyboard 😉 ). What kind of keyboard controller are you using? If you try unplugging the MIDI cable from your keyboard, with the input map still assigned, does the ghost notes stop then?
a midiman (m-audio) oxygen 8. i’ll have to try unplugging the cable… could be a hardware error you think?
could be a hardware error you think?
Don’t know. I have heard though that the Oxygen knobs are very sensitive, and can output controllers spontaneously.