Hey all, just wanted to write here to say I’ve been testing Podium and it’s really impressing me, It took a little getting used to but boy was it worth figuring out – such a clean and elegant interface and customizable too!
I’ve set things up exactly to suit me and I haven’t found any features I miss yet either! I’ve been converting the project I am working on from FL Studio, it’s taking a little tweaking but all works good. I don’t understand why this forum is not a lot busier. Maybe you could make a more expensive version with a small plugin bundle to tempt more customers?
By the way massive props for giving a fully functional demo where others give crippledware, being able to save is a big plus when testing this gem out. I know where 90 of my $ are going on payday!
Hi ZChris,
Welcome to the forum. I’m glad you like the Podium experience so far π
@ZChris wrote:
Hey all, just wanted to write here to say I’ve been testing Podium and it’s really impressing me, It took a little getting used to but boy was it worth figuring out – such a clean and elegant interface and customizable too.
Greetz ZChris,
I think you’ll also like the way that Frits is so active on the updates. It’s quite a phenomenon!
You can also slave ReWire FLStudio into Podium too :D, gotta juggle the latency and use Realtime-record to bounce but it’s generally pretty good.
Hi ZChris,
Welcome. 8)
@ZChris wrote:
I don’t understand why this forum is not a lot busier. Maybe you could make a more expensive version with a small plugin bundle to tempt more customers?
I think the forum is definitely more active than it used to be. But yes even more activity would be very welcome. Podium is one of the webs best kept secrets.
The real problem is…$$$. For marketing that is.
Once there are enough Podium copies sold that make it financially realistic for Frits to spend cash on advertising I have no doubt he will. He is not there yet though AFAICT. So for now other options must be looked at.
What about the Reaper effect / buzz?
Reaper AFAICT still has not had a full page ad or even a banner ad on any site yet, but is *very* popular. This is mainly due to a huge sustained post surge on Reaper topics from some Reaper users way back which caused probably as much harm as good back then on KVR.
I call that period the “Reaper KVR wars” π―
Not the way Frits and any of us here want to promote Podium so outside of a few topics on KVR and regular Product update announcements there, that is pretty much all the marketing it has had.
In addition a Computer Music Mag Podium 1.77 promo I think went well not too long ago.
One thing the Reaper guys got spot on was getting Reaper reviews in CMM mag (2 full reviews), and Sound on Sound reviews (at least 2 reviews). This was a master stroke as it really placed Reaper infront of the readership they need (some of who may never go to KVR).
Podium…no reviews yet.
There should have been a submission to a mag or two for review by now IMO. But I think Frits wants to wait (more features added e.t.c) but maybe he feels Podium is ready now. I definitely think it is ready for a review and has been since Rewire was added IMO.
Podium badly needs the exposure reviews have brought and continue to bring other products.
In any case I have an idea for 2009 that should bring in a few hundred or so new users hopefully. I should post later today or later this week about it in the VIP forum where many such discussions take place. 8)
@H-man wrote:
You can also slave ReWire FLStudio into Podium too Very Happy, gotta juggle the latency and use Realtime-record to bounce but it’s generally pretty good.
..or he can run it as a VSTi…choices, choices. π
Welcome ZChris π
@ZChris wrote:
I don’t understand why this forum is not a lot busier.
One reason it’s not as busy as some other places is that the software works. By that I mean its not buggy. Its my belief that the developer, Frits, takes a lot of pride in his work and strives to keep things stable.
Things do pick up a bit when new enhancements are coming down the pike. And for the most part folks are pretty helpful and respectful of each other which, unfortunately, is not found often enough on web forums.
@UncleAge wrote:
One reason it’s not as busy as some other places is that the software works. By that I mean its not buggy. Its my belief that the developer, Frits, takes a lot of pride in his work and strives to keep things stable.
True. His work in keeping things stable and reliable (bug fixing) keeps support post counts at a very low level indeed. So he has more time to dev new features instead at a pace he is comfortable with and that he can sustain.
Things do pick up a bit when new enhancements are coming down the pike. And for the most part folks are pretty helpful and respectful of each other which, unfortunately, is not found often enough on web forums.
Also true π