Topic: How to change to 432 Hz frequency

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  • #33143
    Zachary Cohen

    I am using a midi controller (Alesis Vmini). How can I change the tuning from A=440Hz to A=432Hz in Podium?


    Dude you change the tuning of your synth, not Podium.

    Zachary Cohen

    The problem is that my synth only transposes in increments of 1 note. In other words I can change an A to a B or a C without issue, but I can’t change the exact frequency of the note. So it must be done in Podium. I tried downloading a few pitch shifters but can’t get Podium to recognize the VSTs.


    zPitch plugin tuned to -32 cents?


    <blockquote=”z_sfyr”>Dude you change the tuning of your synth, not Podium.

    This is true.

    <blockquote=”AOS74″>zPitch plugin tuned to -32 cents?

    32 cents is 32 hundredths of a semitone, and is a proportional deviation rather than a fixed deviation.
    Middle A (440 Hz) has a distance of 1200 cents from the octave above, A (880 Hz), and the octave below, A (220 Hz). As you can see, the difference are ratios 2:1 and 1:2, with difference in Hz of 220 and 440. 1200 cents divides both the lower octave, 220…440 Hz (220 Hz), and the higher octave, 440…880 Hz (440 Hz) into 1200 steps. Which is a 1 cent deviation of ~0.183 Hz in the lower octave and ~0.367 Hz in the upper octave.

    zPitch is recommended to be used on monophonic audio sources so that the sound’s fundamental can be analyzed. zPitch then uses this root note to calculate the deviation.

    Few softsynths offer the option to use different tuning systems. Ones that do, generally have the option to load a scala file. Scala files contain information that quantizes the frequency of oscillators to particular tuning systems.

    Your external MIDI keyboard would be a mismatch if, say, the tuning system divided the octave into 17 scale intervals. It could spread the octave between C4 to F5, but that would be unintuitive.


    Hmmm. You don’t say which synth you are using. I too have been exploring A432 recently, but with string instruments. In the old days hardware synths had a tuning dial, not sure about soft synths though. It might take a bit of searching, but I suspect you will have to find one that offers this ability. It’s a bit of a conundrum. But imagine what has to be done to get my harmonicas to play at 432! As mentioned above, 432hz = a drop of 31/32 cents. The most obvious solution I can think of is to detune your oscillators by this amount. Most synths have this capacity.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by z_sfyr.
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