Topic: How to crop.

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  • #1618


    Reading through, I can’t seem to find “‘crop unique sequence'” any more. I think it should have been on a context menu, but it’s not there any more.

    I have a sequence of notes, that I was slow to start playing in, and I want to crop the sequence so it just encompasses these notes, with no space either side.

    Is there a newer way to do this, or some other method ?

    Thanks again,



    The “crop unique sequence” command should still be there, but it only appears if the sequence event is actually sized smaller than the sequence. Try shrinking the event by either resizing the start or the end.


    Ahh, that does indeed bring the menu option. However, I thought it did something else πŸ˜•

    Would it be possible to have a ‘crop event to sequence’ that would bring the start and end inwards until the first/last note ? Kind of like a ‘trim’.



    @koalaboy wrote:

    Ahh, that does indeed bring the menu option. However, I thought it did something else πŸ˜•

    Would it be possible to have a ‘crop event to sequence’ that would bring the start and end inwards until the first/last note ? Kind of like a ‘trim’.


    There isn’t such a command currently. I’ll consider it for a future update.

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