Topic: How to fuse together several projects into one project like a mixtape.?

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  • #27965

    I have a question which maybe you can help me with.

    I have been trying to find a way to connect (mix) different projects I have created to each other. So it would be similar to a remix tape, for instance made of several 5 minute track’s I have created before hand. I have tried opening a finnished project, rendering bouncing the master and moving the bounced audio to a new track and then saving the track as a template with timeline events. Then open the project I want to connect it to and adding a new track in it in which I open the saved template of the track which holds the bounced master of the previous project, but whenever I do this the bounced project will not display itself on the new track, just straight horizontal lines are displayed on its time line, no audio signature at all. Am I doing it wrong? Is there an easier way to accomplish what I want? I know I can’t just save all the track,s separately as templates and then opening all of them them into one project because of cpu overload.
    Any advice or feedback on this matter would be appreciated.

    Yours sincerely.

    J. D.


    I reply late, maybe you’ve already found an answer to your question, but this could help other users.
    Right click on the arrangement title in the project start page and select one of the these options (section 2.5.5 of Podium guide):

    – New Arrangement as Unique Copy…: Creates a copy of the arrangement including unique copies of all sounds and sequences used in the arrangement.

    – New Arrangement as Phantom Copy…: Creates a copy of the arrangement without copying sounds and sequences. Timeline events are still linked to the sounds and sequences used by the original arrangement. Useful if you want to create alternative mixes of an already completed song.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by MLS.

    Hi J.D.
    Not sure how much you want to edit the songs in your mix project, but I think the simplest way would be to use the ‘File > Export to Sound File’ menu for each song. Save the files (or later move them) into the folder for your mix project. Then drag the sound files from the Podium file browser onto tracks. If you overlap them on the same track, cross-fades will be applied automatically.

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