Topic: how to use multiple midi interfaces at once for recording?

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  • #2163

    here is my problem:
    I have a midi keyboard and a korg nanokontrol (this means 2 different midi inputs).
    When I want to record notes, I have to chose the midi interface where the keyboard is plugged to (edirol usb soundcard midi in) and when I want to edit parameters of my vsti, I have to chose the nanokontrol midi interface.
    This is very annoying.
    I would like to use the 2 midi inputs at the same time, but it seems
    that podium only allows to use one or the other?
    Please help me understand this !


    No Windows-DAW can do what you want. It is a limitation of the ASIO-protocol. You can just record one device at a time. Apple has an aggregate driver, but Windows doesn’t (well, Direct Sound but the latency is high).

    You could try ASIO4ALL. It is free and is a shell around the WDM-drivers. The performance for this isn’t bullet-proof though.


    @MelodyMan wrote:

    No Windows-DAW can do what you want. It is a limitation of the ASIO-protocol. You can just record one device at a time. Apple has an aggregate driver, but Windows doesn’t (well, Direct Sound but the latency is high).

    You could try ASIO4ALL. It is free and is a shell around the WDM-drivers. The performance for this isn’t bullet-proof though.

    abducted is talking about MIDI inputs and not audio, so ASIO limitations is not an issue here.


    @abducted wrote:

    here is my problem:
    I have a midi keyboard and a korg nanokontrol (this means 2 different midi inputs).
    When I want to record notes, I have to chose the midi interface where the keyboard is plugged to (edirol usb soundcard midi in) and when I want to edit parameters of my vsti, I have to chose the nanokontrol midi interface.
    This is very annoying.
    I would like to use the 2 midi inputs at the same time, but it seems
    that podium only allows to use one or the other?
    Please help me understand this !

    Good question. I’ve never had the need for multiple MIDI inputs on one track myself, but I can see that having this possibility would be useful.

    Question to all:

    How would you prefer this to work: Should it be possible to assign multiple inputs to one track? Should it be possible to set up more than one input with the “auto-assign to focus track” option? Should it be possible to configure a single MIDI input object to use more than one MIDI input interface (in the device mapping properties dialog)?

    Anyone know how this is supported in other hosts?


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Anyone know how this is supported in other hosts?

    Ableton Live allows you to select individual midi sources but also has an ‘all ins’ option. In FLstudio all midi sources are always available to which ever track is selected.



    Most programs just go with midi channels, and not a specific midi device.

    There is a way you can do this with bomes midi translator, you need multiple instances of it tho for each device. Having each one output to the same midi yoke, then assign that midi yoke to the tracks device, and then it’ll simulate global devices.

    Theres probably an easier way with a single program.


    this is easy : get MidiOX to merge all inputs and route them via MidiYoke into Podium – works well and i can’t find recognizable latency…


    @michi_mak wrote:

    this is easy : get MidiOX to merge all inputs and route them via MidiYoke into Podium – works well and i can’t find recognizable latency…

    I forgot about MIDI-OX. You’re right, that should work. You’ll need to go to the same site for Midi Yoke anyway.


    On a similar topic, I used MIDI channels for a track so that within a VST (eneryXT) I could trigger other events with notes but not have them play back the synth inside. I found it useful, for instance, to switch between different filters for drum patterns (so, notes could tell it to switch between unfiltered, hipass or lopass filtering). By separating the channels, I could contain information in the one MIDI event that was meant to fit together, and not need automation just for switching an input between one or two others inside of energyXT.

    I’m sure many people have more uses for MIDI channels than I did.

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