Topic: Hui Control

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  • #45234
    Kudriavtsev Maxim

    I have a controller Tascam us24. When recording automation a fader is added. I hide this fader in the mixer, but it remains on the controller. Previously, it was also hidden and I did not get confused in the channels. when there are 5 automation channels they can be easily touched and I hide them in the mixer. Make them hide like in mixer please.

    Kudriavtsev Maxim

    I checked the podium Free. it works correctly there. do the same. sorry for my english


    Hi. I searched for us24, but could only find links to Tascam products such as “Model 24” and “US-2400”. Please post a link to a product page so I know which mixer we are talking about.

    I recently added support for the Presonus Faderport controllers, and at the same time made a revision of the Mackie Universal Controller support. The “Automation Read” button found on most MCU compatible controllers is now used to toggle “Show Parameter Tracks” option. If you open the Help panel in Podium and enable “Control Surface Help” option in the Help panel options Menu, the help panel will show descriptions when you press the buttons on your controller.

    Kudriavtsev Maxim
    Kudriavtsev Maxim

    Sorry Tascam – US2400


    I looked through the US-2400 manual. To work with Podium you need to configure the US-2400 to use Mackie MCU mode. Podium does not support HUI mode. It looks like US-2400 does not have buttons for all the MCU features. For example the automation mode buttons are missing, and those are the buttons that Podium use to toggle parameter track mode. You can change these modes manually by editing the Podium.ini setup file:

    Select the “Setup/Explore Setup Folder” menu to open the folder where Podium.ini is saved.
    Quit Podium.
    Open Podium.ini in a text editor and search for “ShowParameterTracks”. It should be in the [ControlSurfaceGroup1] section.
    Change that line to “ShowParameterTracks=0”.
    Save the Podium.ini file and then restart Podium.

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