Topic: I need a 3.2 setup

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  • #34259
    Antal Bodóczki

    i need a 3.2 setup. my computer is corrupted and the files are lost. fritz did not deal with it. i have no money for new version. someone help! Thanks! compressing the installer to send email to *email deleted by admin* Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Zynewave.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Zynewave. Reason: Deleted email address for security reasons

    Hi Tony,
    The last time I received an email from you about this issue was November 2016. I sent you an email that I never received a reply to, so I assumed you had found where you could download the installer. I just now checked your account, and it appears that your original purchase of a license had been disconnected from your account. That is why you have been unable to see the download files on your account page. I found your original purchase from October 2006 in the database, and it used a different email address. I ported the old purchase database to the new website a few years ago, so the porting script probably got confused about the different email addresses. I have now relinked the original purchase to your account so your downloads should now be available on your account page. You may need to reactivate your lifetime license first.
    Please post here when you have made progress.

    Antal Bodóczki

    Dear Fritz! Thanks for Your BIG-BIG help! I activated my lifetime upgrade option. I download the podium versions. Thanks Frits!!!


    Carl Unsang

    Who is Fritz?
    Hey i’d love to have a lifetime license too but im afraid i cant afford too much, im a filipino resident.

    And 100 dollars USD is like half a month salary here in my area.

    Which is very hard to risk t.t


    Frits is the developer of Podium.
    The lifetime license was made available some years ago to early purchasers after the switch to annual upgrades.
    Have you tried the free version? It’s currently at version 3.2.1

    Carl Unsang

    Actually, its just yesterday that i was actually testing out podium, and still is wondering how to do the compressor since, ive seen a post in youtube that whatever you do here in podium turns out into -1 pitch when exported.
    Im just not sure how or why, i was still testing it out.. Since this is the next daw after audacity that i have installed and tried,.

    As for now i am really having hard time installing pro tools first… Lots of error that i am experiencing

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