Topic: Imported Audio is sped up.

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  • #2283

    Hey everyone, just bought Podium the other day.
    However, I am trying to import some vocals into a song (which is otherwise blank).
    When I drag the file (WAV but have also tried with an AIFF that did the same thing) from the browser and onto a track, playing it back just produces a sped up version. They sound like chipmunks. Perhaps I am doing it wrong but surely it should still work this way.

    Happening in 2.32 but also last time I tried in 2.30 as well.
    Anyone had this issue? Know how to solve it?



    Are standart wav, or are they compressed?
    Which is their frecuency?

    Maybe those properties can cause that


    Ah, well setting 44100 in the project page (which is what the wav is) cured it….
    Thanks for helping me.
    So this means I can’t use samples of different sample rates in one project? I generally make my projects 88200 and I can’t because of this.


    Not sure about that, all my samples are 44.1Khz, but I remember I had the same problems in my old hosts. All I can say is that you could use a massive resampler

    (or you could do music at 44.1kHz too, I think it sounds good, if your samples are at 44.1 they aren’t going to sound better if you resample them at 96khz or 180khz)


    Hmmm I guess Sonar resamples it then, as it was fine there.
    It’s only 1 sample anyway, the rest consists of VSTs which I would generally have at 88200khz, it makes a difference.

    Anyways, nevermind, it has stopped bothering me now that it is fixed. Cheers


    @Ortac wrote:

    So this means I can’t use samples of different sample rates in one project?

    Currently all sounds are played back at the samplerate selected in the arrangement properties. I’ve begun experimentation with stretching and resampling, so there is a chance that you’ll be able to use different sample rate sound files in Podium within a couple of months.


    Ooooh nice.

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