Topic: Incongruity (solved in 2.23!)

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  • #1923

    I think this is a simple bug really quick to fix. When you left click on an empty instrument slot of a sequencer track you get the full menu instead the instruments menu (see instrument slot of mixer track).

    Best regards


    This is actually intentional. My concern was that new users may not find it obvious that you need to right click the track header to open the track menu. I also thought that when working with the mixer strips the user is more interested in assigning objects, and so I made left-click a shortcut to the device/param/preset submenus.

    Do other users find this to be inconsistent?


    I think that in track’s sequencer you should see only the instruments if you left click in the source slot. If you right click then full menu.

    And honestly, when i started to use Podium I right click here for add instruments, later I discovered that I can do a single left click in mixer tabs and I could insert instruments/effects/inputs easily without navigate through a menu. Then I thought that it should be the same in the source slot of sequencer’s track.

    The mixer menus are perfect.

    edit: how it should be in my opinion:


    If I understand correctly, you’re saying clicking on the mixer only gives the “source” section of the full list?

    I’ve never really cared, but if I think about it, to me it makes sense to narrow a menu down when clicking on something specific; but perhaps LP has a good suggestion, left clicking on it in the sequencer view would open like in the mixer view, but right click the full. Otherwise, now that I’ve thought about it, that option or I think I’d prefer clicking on it and only getting the source menu. If I wanted properties for everything, I’d click a more general area. I’m pretty sure other programs do that too; focus menus in specific areas but if right clicked in general areas (like on headings and such) give the full menu.

    Still, I don’t greatly care either way! Would only be a minor convenience to me.

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