I notice, after doing a “scan all” tonight that only 40 of my 100s of plugins imported to Podium 1.55
Is this because the others don’t report the correct information to Podium ?
The import should accept any VST plugins. Make sure the Podium VST folder setting is set to your main Vstplugins folder. The import will only search up to four levels of nested subfolders. Maybe you have a deeper hierarchy of subfolders?
@Zynewave wrote:
The import should accept any VST plugins. Make sure the Podium VST folder setting is set to your main Vstplugins folder. The import will only search up to four levels of nested subfolders. Maybe you have a deeper hierarchy of subfolders?
Thanks Frits
No, it’s not particularly nested.
Strange…the search window clearly whizzes through the 100s of plugins, but briefly pauses at those that it is adding.
I’m sure it worked OK last time I ran it.
I’ll have another go tomorrow and report back.
the search window clearly whizzes through the 100s of plugins, but briefly pauses at those that it is adding.
If you are using ‘scan & import’ on an existing project, Podium will only import those plugins that are not already imported in the project.
@Zynewave wrote:
the search window clearly whizzes through the 100s of plugins, but briefly pauses at those that it is adding.
If you are using ‘scan & import’ on an existing project, Podium will only import those plugins that are not already imported in the project.
I kind of suspected that…but where are all the other plugins imported last time (the Map list in the browser only lists the 40 or so plugins, not the 100s I expected) ?
If you do the scan & import on a new empty project, do all the plugins import then?
Forgive me – I’d forgotten that I previously organised them into Instrument and Effect subfolders…they’re all in these.
Could you do me a favour Frits ?
I’m going to email you my 2 basic projects (“Direct Monitoring” and “Mixdown”)…can you cast an eye over them to see if there are any glaring problems ?
Direct Monitoring has no audio input into Podium (primarily a Midi sequencer).
Mixdown has all external audio routed back into Podium for mixing e.g. track audio input is enabled in the Podium mixer.
can you cast an eye over them to see if there are any glaring problems ?
I see no obvious problems with the projects. They appear similar to the projects you emailed me months ago. After all this time working on a template setup, have you even had time for creating music with Podium? 😮
Your setup is very complex with VSTs, GigaSampler, External hardware, SW1000XG and plugcard mappings in one arrangement. I can understand that you feel you need all of these technologies at hand to create music, but maybe a simpler setup would be a better starting point to get started with composition in Podium.
@Zynewave wrote:
can you cast an eye over them to see if there are any glaring problems ?
I see no obvious problems with the projects. They appear similar to the projects you emailed me months ago. After all this time working on a template setup, have you even had time for creating music with Podium? 😮
Your setup is very complex with VSTs, GigaSampler, External hardware, SW1000XG and plugcard mappings in one arrangement. I can understand that you feel you need all of these technologies at hand to create music, but maybe a simpler setup would be a better starting point to get started with composition in Podium.
It’s really a problem with (lack of) time Frits… 🙁
That combined with an anal (and probably Y chromosome related) desire to have my complete setup properly mapped into Podium before tackling production work…
I think I’m just about there now though..
There should be nothing from keeping it simple to begin with, even in this very complex default setup…..maybe just stick to a few VSTi’s and some live audio (guitar)…got to be disciplined and not use stuff just because it’s “there”.
Another problem is the relative complexity of setting up Podium itself, compared to something like FLS 6 or Reason (which really get you up and running very quickly).
Maybe it’s the wrong app for my limited abilities & time but I was initially attracted to it because of it’s hardware control ability (as an alternative to Cubase SX, which I still enjoy but stayed at version 2) …and the more I’ve spent setting it up, the more I can see other attractions as well !
I’m at that annoying time of life where I’ve got the money but not the time (demanding job, 2 small children).
But I’m going to persevere & promise to start composing now (and please forgive me returning ask rather dim questions 🙂 ….it’s amazing what you forget if you haven’t had chance to sit in front of the DAW for a few weeks..)