Topic: Just gave Podium 2 a quick shot..

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  • #2145

    I found Podium 2 on computer music magazine this month,and I installed just to have fun a couple of minutes (i’m a Cubase 5 user)..I ended up spending hours of fun with it.

    Frits congratulations ,this software is absolutely one of the best sequencers ever made.
    Here are some reasons why :

    1)It’s faster than light.Choosing a plugin and loading sounds is a matter of 2 seconds.

    2)It looks beautiful and relaxing (reminded me a bit of old trackers) = inspires you to create better music (cubase looks rather clinical / sterile in comparison and doesn’t really helps you )

    3)The help tab.This should be a MUST in softwares.I mean,the program automatically explains you what a button does when you pass on it..this is sooo great.

    The only thing that really is missing,in my hopinion,is an advanced quantize/groove toolbox ,or customizable quantizing.The strict quantizing to snap to me is really useless ! Even if i make electronic music,i want to keep some human touch to it,and i usually record things on keyboard and Iterative quantize it on cubase (it quantizes things JUST A LITTLE)

    Implement this option,and I’m a customer. 😀


    Thanks 8)

    An “advanced quantize” edit command has been on my todo list for quite a while. This will open a dialog where you can set “quantize strength” in percentage, along with other stuff like randomization and swing. The dialog will have a “preview” option (like the beat-slice dialog), so that you can hear changes to the settings in real-time.

    I’m currently on a roll with track management updates, but I can be persuaded to take a little detour around this feature. How about this: If you buy a license, I’ll release 2.27 next week with the dialog described above? You’ll be able to try out betas and have your say in how features should work 😉


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Thanks 8)

    An “advanced quantize” edit command has been on my todo list for quite a while. This will open a dialog where you can set “quantize strength” in percentage, along with other stuff like randomization and swing. The dialog will have a “preview” option (like the beat-slice dialog), so that you can hear changes to the settings in real-time.

    I’m currently on a roll with track management updates, but I can be persuaded to take a little detour around this feature. How about this: If you buy a license, I’ll release 2.27 next week with the dialog described above? You’ll be able to try out betas and have your say in how features should work 😉

    *persuade* *persuade* *persuade* 🙂


    WOW That would be awesome ! 😀 I’ll buy the license as soon as i can !


    ok, this is something completely different to what the thread starter wants, but could you also look into a mp3-export feature in the near future? Or at least an option for opening a sound file with an external editor, so that saving in mp3 could be done via audacity and the lame codec for instance?

    Better quantize options and mp3-export.. these two would make me a happier Podium user 🙂



    fritz: the above described dialogue would be serious points toward convincing one of my musical colabourators to buy in. Can’t promise, but if it’s up there for him, it’s probably up there for a lot of people. 🙂


    Ok,license bought ! 😀
    This program rocks so much ,I’m addicted to it . If you really make the advanced quantize tool,it will be sequencer heaven. Much respect.


    @Merkury wrote:

    Ok,license bought ! 😀
    This program rocks so much ,I’m addicted to it . If you really make the advanced quantize tool,it will be sequencer heaven. Much respect.

    Thanks 🙂

    Remember to check out the topic below for discussion of the quantize dialog:

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