Topic: Let the world (or smaller sub-sections thereof) know…

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  • #254

    For this and future releases, you might want to slip some news over to places like KvR or em411. Always encourages discussion and keeps the word out.


    Agreed. I intend to put out a word when 1.10 is released later this week.

    I must admit I haven’t visited much, but I’ve just signed up there, so I’ll check it out.



    OK, just browsed through and my impression of the site is good. It does seem to be more focused on user reviews/submissions of interesting stuff, rather than being an info site for press-releases by companies. I wonder if it would be fitting for me to post about Podium there?


    Doesn’t have to be a full fledged ‘press release’ but it’s a good community that would probably be interested in the product. Simple alert should be adequate.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Agreed. I intend to put out a word when 1.10 is released later this week.

    Slightly off topic… what’s coming in 1.10? 😉


    @ageis wrote:

    Slightly off topic… what’s coming in 1.10? 😉

    I’m working on improving the MIDI file import currently.

    I recently reorganized the Future Development topic. Anything that is in the pipeline is written in bold. I update the page frequently.


    I’ve dropped a couple of posts on the KVR forum, explaining the virtues of Podium. Can’t wait for the effects bussing matrix to be completed. Frits, give Acid 4 a look; they did a nice job on constructing a pretty flexible and sophisticated bussing system. The Acid layout mirrors Podium’s mixer in appearance. In Acid, you are able to create 26 additional busses. It’s as easy as selecting New Buss from the Insert Menu. The busses get added in the lower window, similar to Podium;s mixer. Each individual track has a buss button within it. To assign a track to a buss, you simply click on the tracks buss assignment icon, scroll down the drop down menu and select the buss. The buss that gets added to the mixer can be automated with volume and effects envelopes. The buss itself also has a buss assignment selector and allows you to feed the individual outputs of your soundcard, very cool especially when routing tracks to outboard effects. Best of all, the setup is simplistic, yet still very powerful! Love the weekly updates Frits! 😆

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