Topic: looping sequnces adjacent from time line

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  • #762

    lets say i have a 16 bar note sequence and a 4 bar drum loop sequnced in the pianoroll, i want the sequnces to play the way there bar length is set, so if i have the 16 bar sequncence playing at the same time the 4 bar sequence playing, the 4 bar should play over and over while the 16 bar plays thru. instead of the 4 bar only playing 4 bars and stoping, then continueing to finish the 16 bar seqeunce.

    right now all i can do is play sequnces that are the “set timelime ” lengths.
    how do i accomplish this? thanx 🙂 hitman8081


    You should add phantom copies of the 4 bar sequence. The fastests way to do this, is to select the 4 bar sequence event, and hit the insert key 3 times. This will append 3 phantom copies. You can also create phantom copies by dragging a sequence event and then press and hold the alt key when dropping the sequence event. There are hints for this in the popup help for the tool buttons.

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