Topic: Lost everything to a Podium Burp

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  • #2364
    Sound Minde

    Using Podium 2.3
    I received a warning dialog stating that podium had generated errors [this was Podiums dialog NOT windows dialog] and said I should save my current project in order to prevent data loss using the Save As directive; I did so. Today [September 5] not only was that project missing, but all of my projects in the directory: EVERY F@@@ING ONE OF THEM. Just before my scheduled back-up . I’m not very impressed -to say the least. It was a generic vanilla warning box and not helpful at all. Does Podium generate crash logs? or better yet error logs -Windoze isn’t helpful at all in its event/application logs. I haven’t scoured my directories looking for them [if they even exist] at the moment since my anger is extraordinarily high at the moment. This was a new project that I started, all 16 Hr. of it -I was on a roll and “in the zone.” I can retrieve the other projects -but not this one. I’m afraid to install the latest release that I downloaded just prior to discovering the loss to my absolute horror.
    I’m going back to Acid/Reaper.
    Thanks for letting me vent.
    Good bye.


    Sorry to hear you lost your work.

    I assume the warning dialog you mention is the one that appears when a plugin has performed an illegal action. The dialog should mention which plugin crashed, and then suggest to use the “save as” command instead of the normal save, in case the plugin has overwritten memory used by Podium.

    Was this a new project that you had not saved before the crash? In that case the project subfolder would not have been created yet.

    As long as you don’t overwrite an existing file with the “save as” dialog, then the save command should not delete any existing project files.

    You say you lost “all of my projects in the directory”. Are you talking about multiple .pod files in the same project subfolder, arrangement subfolders, or .wav files?

    Podium only creates crash logs when it’s scanning for plugins.

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