Topic: Memory…

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  • #1623

    Maybe this is more a future thread than support but I recently upgraded to 8GB of ram.

    Podium runs on WOW64 on x64 Vista ( it’s even more responsive on x64Vista than x86 Vista even with the WOW64 emulation layer) but while Podium already has a massive CPU support count of 32, does it also have a similar future proofed amount of ram that it supports?

    Is it limited to 2GB or possibly 3GB as a 32 bit app or does Podium support more than 3 or 4GB of ram ❓


    I believe it should be possible to use 3GB with Podium. 4GB or more is only possible with 64-bit applications.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I believe it should be possible to use 3GB with Podium. 4GB or more is only possible with 64-bit applications.

    3GB is pretty good. I was hoping it would be at least a bit more than 2GB which seems to be the standard limit for 32 bit applications.

    I would certainly be interested in a fully native x64 version of Podium at some point in future.

    I can see you but I dont recognise you…sorry:
    I installed a 64 bit version of z3ta+ and interestingly Podium scanned it correctly, so it showed up in the devices list but when I clicked on the E button nothing happened. The red indicator did not appear. It was as if I was asking Podium to do something it just did not understand. Clicking the E button kind of resulted in Podium shrugging it’s shoulders 😛

    If I could read Podiums mind it might have read something like this…

    Podium: “okay you have given me a VST to scan but while I can scan it without any problem I just cannot load it, and what is really strange is that I really have no idea why I cannot load it” 🙁 🙂

    I guessed it was probably because it was not a 32 bit version (which I later installed). The 32 bit version was scanned and loaded up with no problem in Podium on x64Vista.

    It is quite satisfying to see Podium working so well on Vista 64. Nice work! I wondered if I should really risk it but so far it has been even more responsive on Vista64.

    I guess even if Podium was a fully native 64 bit app there would still be limitations to face if the plugs used in it were 32 bit. A fully native 64bit host with 64 bit plugs would be ideal.

    I know Sonar has this and maybe Cubase but at some point when Podiums plugin set is wider and /or more x64 compatible plugins like Crunchessor 2 and Vari Saturator are available then perhaps an x64 version will be something to consider maybe.

    I appreciate there are other more pressing issues at this time.

    A 3GB ram ceiling is pretty good even now 🙂

    I think the CPU time indicator is showing less usage in Vista 64 as well compared to Vista 32, maybe because the CPU is now fully utilised in a 64 bit environment.

    It’s just so strange to be running Podium on a 64 bit OS. It’s very smooth so far. Great work Frits. 8)

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