Topic: MIDI file import

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  • #1036


    I’m looking at Podium and I’m very impressed and certainly considering purchasing a license.

    One of the things I’m looking for in a host is to import MIDI files from old projekts made years ago in other hosts, back in the pre-VST ages even. 🙂

    What about MIDI file import in Podium? It seems that the only way to import them is to drag them from the List browser, and that only works for single track files. Podium wont split up multi-track MIDI files to separate tracks?



    Hi soundquist,

    Use the “Import file…” menu on the project page or drag the MIDI file onto the project page (not onto tracks). This will create an arrangement with all the tracks in the MIDI file.



    @Zynewave wrote:

    Use the “Import file…” menu on the project page or drag the MIDI file onto the project page (not onto tracks). This will create an arrangement with all the tracks in the MIDI file.

    Thank you for your answer. This seems to work very well. I looked for the import funktion in the arrangement. The project page is a little mystifying for a beginner.

    I’ll pay up for a licence later tonight. 8)



    @soundquist wrote:

    I’ll pay up for a licence later tonight. 8)

    Then welcome on board!! 8)





    @soundquist wrote:



    Yes welcome. Support is first class as you probably can guess already. 8)


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Yes welcome. Support is first class as you probably can guess already. 8)

    Yes, that’s my impression. Traffic here in this forum doesn’t seem overwhelming, though. Maybe Podium works so good there isn’t much need for support… 😉

    I’m in a very early stage at this point, but another impression I get is that although Podium may seem a little hard to grasp in the beginning, when you start to understand some of the underlying principles the interface actually seems very thought through.

    We’ll see…



    Hi, I also have a query regarding midi file import. If I create a midi file in another program, eg. Sibelius, that contains midi messages, (expression, program changes etc.), and then import the file into Podium it displays the note event track plus separate child tracks containing the midi messages, which is all good. However these child message tracks are not relayed to the plug-in that the track is mapped to therefore only the note events are played. As an example I have a midi track created in Sibelius that contains several program changes to access different articulations of an instrument bank in Kontakt 2, as well as dynamics and expression etc. Is there a way of setting up Podium so it recognises the midi data in imported files?


    Is there a way of setting up Podium so it recognises the midi data in imported files?

    Yes. Before you import the MIDI file you need to set up the proper MIDI parameters. When Podium imports MIDI files, it finds the first multitimbral instrument in the project device list, and assigns this to the tracks. In your case this must be Kontakt. You need to add the required MIDI parameters to the Kontakt device definition. Here’s how to add a program change parameter with the List window (ctrl+L):

    Browse into the “Devices//MIDI Parameters” object folder. You should see “Pitch Bend”, “Channel Pressure” and “Modulation”. These were created automatically by Podium when the plugin was imported. Right-click the “MIDI Parameters” folder, select “New Object” and “New Parameter”. Enter “Program Change” as the object name, select “MIDI Program Change” in the type combobox, and set the “range from/to” to 0 and 127. Press OK and the new parameter is added to the parameter list. If you import MIDI files now, they should be set up with the new parameter object assigned to the program change tracks. If you already have imported MIDI files, then you can just manually assign the new parameter object to the program change tracks.


    Since in other softwares MIDI messages are sent directly to the devices without the need to create a mapping for each parameter, could you add more basic messages to the automatically created ones ?

    Program change and Volume MUST exist by default for each VSTi, but also the more common Controller numbers like Pan (10), Pedal (4), Sustain (64) etc.
    I don’t see any problem to have more, do you ?

    And also the Program Change for VST effects….

    Thanks !


    Program change and Volume MUST exist by default for each VSTi, but also the more common Controller numbers like Pan (10), Pedal (4), Sustain (64) etc.
    I don’t see any problem to have more, do you ?

    I can easily add more default MIDI parameters.

    The only reason that I have not added more default MIDI parameters is because many synth plugins only support pitch bend and possibly modulation (CC1).

    I have now added “Program Change” and “Volume” (CC7) as default parameters. ppw72: are there any more CC parameters that you use in your MIDI files?


    The only reason that I have not added more default MIDI parameters is because many synth plugins only support pitch bend and possibly modulation (CC1).

    hmmm… I think that you must look at the MIDI Implementation charts that accompany all the MIDI gears and try some VSTi…
    I personnaly don’t know any synth that doesn’t support the volume and the sustain.
    Even the General MIDI standard has more :
    So any MIDI File could need these ones.
    I think that you could add the sustain (64) without any risk.

    Have you added the Program Change for the VST FX too ?
    It is soooo useful with the Parameter Value object.


    Have you added the Program Change for the VST FX too ?

    Could you give me some examples of effect plugins that responds to MIDI program change? (apart from Acousmodules plugins) 😉


    Thanks for your help Frits. I was heading along those lines but putting the parameters in the wrong location. There are only a handful of controllers that I use apart from the ones you have already included so setting them up manually is no drama as you only have to do it once. If you’re planning to add any then expression, (CC11), volume (CC7), pan and sustain, (CC64), might be handy.


    Could you give me some examples of effect plugins that responds to MIDI program change? (apart from Acousmodules plugins)

    Yes, I know…
    Most of the Synthedit made plugins support it, but it is otherwise a rare feature.
    I know that the SFX Machine support it too, but it is an exception.

    I really don’t understand why the developper do not support the Program changes, it is a great mystery for me…
    All I can say, that it is a real problem for people who do realtime music because most of the time they cannot change the effect from their MIDI controllers.
    It is also a problem in hosts that does not allow to have effetcs by clips : how to change a preset at some times when the preset is not available as an automated parameter ?

    So, I understand of course that Podium does not create a PC object by default, but in the other hand, if it creates one, people are not forced to use it… 😉

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