Topic: Midi sync out problem.

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  • #1875


    I must have forgotten to do something simple, yet I can’t find what. I just want to synchronise Podium as a Master and Renoise as a Slave, using MidiYoke. I tried this with Tracktion and Reaper, it worked fine.

    I activated Midi Yoke 1 as a Midi Ouput in the Setup windows, with Send Timing Clock ticked. Yet when I press Play, nothing happens in Renoise.

    Everything is set fine on Renoise’s side. If I close Podium, start Tracktion and press Play, both start and stop together.

    What’s wrong with what I am doing ?



    The “send timing clock” option in Podium is only usable for tempo-syncing external devices, such as the delay-time in effect units. The option does not transmit start/stop messages. For that, you need to use the “Send Time Code (MTC)” option, which also provides for more precise sync than the timing clock.


    Yes, I tried that too, but unfortunately it doesn’t work. Perhaps there is something else I forgot to activate somewhere ?


    @Jnv wrote:

    Yes, I tried that too, but unfortunately it doesn’t work. Perhaps there is something else I forgot to activate somewhere ?

    The option in the interfaces dialog is the only thing you need to activate in Podium. Maybe Renoise doesn’t support MTC?


    I don’t know if Renoise supports MTC. However, Tracktion sends “midi clock” to Renoise and they both manage to synchronise.

    Thanks !


    @Jnv wrote:

    Tracktion sends “midi clock” to Renoise and they both manage to synchronise.

    That must be because Tracktion in addition to the timing clock message also sends start/stop/continue messages. Podium responds to these messages, but does not transmit them. I’ll probably improve on that in a future update.

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