Topic: .mini file management

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  • #29875

    I couldn’t find any info on this – this forum header says ‘search for answers but it seems there’s no way to search this forum.

    How do I stop .mini files from being created and scattered about my music/samples folders? Is there a way to designate a folder to keep them all in?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by bladerunner.

    Hmm, searching works for me… and look what I found! 😀

    Though I’m sorry to say nothing has changed since then in this regard.


    And I posted to that thread too! 7 years ago! I just came back to playing around with Podium after a long while and it looks like the very same thoughts occurred to me again..

    I can’t even find a search button/function anywhere on the forum page..

    Edt – Ah, Search site in top right..

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by bladerunner.

    I did wonder if there’s a way of hiding them in Explorer. Something like [ ] may do it, but haven’t tried yet. Overall I see minis in sample folders as a positive: it lets you know there are audio files potentially used in Podium projects. If like me, you’re prone to editing and reorganising sample libraries, that’s pretty helpful.

    (Side note) For a minute, I did try to migrate sounds samples to the project folder before dragging them into a project. But since Podium’s Browser is such a sublime sound explorer, that workflow can be self-defeating. So now, I just run with it, until —

    — At some point in time an an arrangement will be relatively complete/stable. Never mind minis, I’m going to need to collate all these scattered samples for reliable recall or archiving. An easy way of doing this is using the “New Arrangement as Unique Copy…” command on the Project page for a given arrangement. As per the Podium Guide, this “creates a copy of the arrangement including unique copies of all sounds and sequences used in the arrangement.”

    Boom, all arrangement samples are copied from the original folder to the project’s arrangement subfolder. Self-containment, essentially. Once that’s done for all current arrangements, then I feel happy to ruthlessly purge all minis in my libraries and reorganise any sample folders, without breaking projects.


    It’s my understanding that deleting .mini files from anywhere doesn’t have any potential to break projects – it will just recreate them when you open the project next anyway – so I wouldn’t worry about that.

    I’m used to the way Reaper does it – you set a folder to contain all your .reapeak files (Reaper equivalent). I then set ccleaner to delete the contents of that folder each time I perform its cleaning routine. It means they never build up too much.


    Yeah minis aren’t critical for projects. I just mean their presence in a sample folder indicates which samples might be used in projects.


    The idea of ‘might’ is something to avoid though.

    I’ve come to much prefer DAW’s that copy all samples to the project folder – like Studio One or Harrison Mixbus – as it takes guesswork out of the equation and houses all the peak files.

    Btw – I just noticed that I was the thread starter in that linked thread above.. lol

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by bladerunner.

    Indeed you were!

    I’m sure this hasn’t been forgotten and is still somewhere on Frits’ papyrus scroll of things to do. I also returned to Podium (and music) from a hiatus not long ago, and he seems to be MIA a lot, unfortunately.

    If you don’t mind me asking – would you consider Podium for your work (I sometimes read KVR), or are you just feeling nostalgic?


    I do consider it for my work sometimes. I periodically download it and give it another try.


    Sorry for not responding to this topic sooner!, but I’d just like to say that the upcoming Podium 3.2.6 has a new system for managing waveform images. No more .mini files. Instead there is a single central cache database in the Projects folder.

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