Topic: Minor suggestion about c s p l timeline edit mode buttons

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  • #1742
    Mike G

    I didn’t get c,s,p l buttons for a while, it wasn’t intuitive to me that the “Edit mode” was to do with the timeline, I assumed edit mode was something advanced and subtle that I didn’t understand to do with editing of midi or audio data.

    Maybe it’s just me being stupid!! But in case other users didn’t get this too…

    My suggestions:
    -Maybe put word “timeline” in help text (E.g. “Cursor timeline edit mode”)
    -Maybe draw lines in the header (continuing horizontally from the timeline into the header separating the headers for timeline, markers and tempo)
    -Maybe continue highlighting into the track header (So the background of C S P L) buttons is hightlighted when the timeline is.
    -Maybe right aligned buttons
    -Maybe add labels/icons at the start of the header for timeline, markers and tempo.
    -Maybe also have same colour on the buttons as the colour of the selectors (i.e. Red for punch, Green for loop etc.)

    Hope that makes sense.

    Screen shot idea:

    Mike G


    The CSPL buttons (and corresponding menus) are actually gone from the default setup in the latest 2.07 release.

    I agree that it is not intuitive to have different types of edit modes, which was one of the reasons why I made the changes in 2.07.


    Oh snap!

    The thing is, I would like parts of my setup to be updated when you update it Frits, and other parts not to be. Guess I’ll have to remember all the things I change, if I choose to adjust it. 😛

    Mike G

    Ohhh, didn’t know about the load setup thing!!
    Wow this is like a whole new podium!!
    And the new method of editing timeline stuff is much better.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    The CSPL buttons (and corresponding menus) are actually gone from the default setup in the latest 2.07 release.

    I agree that it is not intuitive to have different types of edit modes, which was one of the reasons why I made the changes in 2.07.

    Just updated to the default set up and indeed those buttons are now gone. 🙂 I don’t usually update my default set up. As it usually means having to restore a colour theme I have created earlier, but perhaps it is not a bad idea to do so (use the latest default set up) from time to time or even each time a new version of Podium is released. 🙂

    There might be a necessity to make users more aware of this if it is best advised for them to do so I guess. 😉 Some kind of message after an update to suggest it in some way.

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