Topic: Minor UI niggles

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  • #1501

    Hi everyone. I share the same enthusiasm for the Podium DAW as the rest of you, but after using it a good while now, I thought I’d list a few things that don’t make sense to me.
    1. No fade or volume adjustment on Bounce tracks. Why not? It’s a workflow issue – often a track will require a small edit but I have to stop the flow, just to create yet another track, rename it etc to drag eveything onto it so I can apply a fade. Maybe I’m missing something, but wouldn’t it be more straight forward to make such minor edits on the Bounce track?
    2. The Outputs and Busses folder separate to Inputs. Again, wouldn’t it make sense to house these with the Inputs area? The outputs in particular are changed infrequently – whenever I go to the VST Mapping area I have to also encounter outputs and busses. These are small things I know, but why not have a section for structural objects like in’s, out’s and busses, and a distinct plugins compartment?
    Anyway, it still remains my fave music app by far, and I find it an absolute pleasure to use.


    2. The Outputs and Busses folder separate to Inputs. Again, wouldn’t it make sense to house these with the Inputs area? The outputs in particular are changed infrequently – whenever I go to the VST Mapping area I have to also encounter outputs and busses. These are small things I know, but why not have a section for structural objects like in’s, out’s and busses, and a distinct plugins compartment?

    200 % agree ! 😉
    The subject has been already tackled, perhaps that it will have some effect eventually ?


    @psych.e.sonic wrote:

    1. No fade or volume adjustment on Bounce tracks. Why not? It’s a workflow issue – often a track will require a small edit but I have to stop the flow, just to create yet another track, rename it etc to drag eveything onto it so I can apply a fade. Maybe I’m missing something, but wouldn’t it be more straight forward to make such minor edits on the Bounce track?

    just a thought for a new feature – a right click on a bounce track provides an option to create a new track and transfer bounced audio in one step, with some option to name bounced audio and have the track name auto correspond.

    Piltdown Man

    1. No fade or volume adjustment on Bounce tracks. Why not? It’s a workflow issue – often a track will require a small edit but I have to stop the flow, just to create yet another track, rename it etc to drag eveything onto it so I can apply a fade. Maybe I’m missing something, but wouldn’t it be more straight forward to make such minor edits on the Bounce track?

    Just a little quote from the Podium Guide (Fade-In/Out & Crossfades section) about this. (I know it won’t speed up your work, but I think this is the reasoning behind the limited bounce track editing.)

    “It is not possible to use fades on sound events on bounce tracks. This is because the primary purpose of a bounce track is to be able to create an exact rendering of the child tracks and then be able to switch back to the child tracks to make modifications and redo the render. If it was possible to apply fades (or gain changes) to bounce track events, it would mean that playback of the bounce track would not be identical to the unbounced playback. If you want to use a rendered sound event as a regular clip, you can move it to a regular audio track.”


    2. The Outputs and Busses folder separate to Inputs. Again, wouldn’t it make sense to house these with the Inputs area? The outputs in particular are changed infrequently – whenever I go to the VST Mapping area I have to also encounter outputs and busses. These are small things I know, but why not have a section for structural objects like in’s, out’s and busses, and a distinct plugins compartment?

    I’ll probably change the device panel so that the list contents are filtered to show only mappings relevant for the current track. E.g. the audio outputs folder will only be shown when focus is on the master track.


    As an alternative to copying the bounced track to a new one, you can:

    Right-click the track header for the bounce track,
    Choose Track Properties,
    Deselect “Use Track for Audio Bouncing” and select “Output Gain” and or “Output Panning”

    The Bounce track will then behave as a normal audio track to which you can apply a Fade envelope to the audio.

    Interestingly, you can do the reverse, turning on “Use Track for Audio Bouncing” (only, you can leave pan and gain checked) thus transforming the track back into a bounce track, re-render, convert back to audio as above and the fade envelope will still be there as before.

    A bit clunky maybe but it’s really only three clicks of the mouse. Handy for keeping the total number of tracks to a minimum.

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