Topic: More Q’s before purchase

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  • #1834

    Please forgive all my questions but I want to be sure on things before I purchase a liscence. First, I use alot of automation and I have been working with this in the demo (which automation is a breeze in Podium). I am automating a synth’s cutoff and I select and draw in the changes I want – say from bar 5 to bar 8. I create the automation event in those measures but in the other measures outside the automation part, the cutoff drops down from where the initial value is set at (even if I set the last node with the cutoff fully open). I found that I can work around this by creating the automation event the same length of the project. Does this need to be done to work properly?

    Second – when I try to copy and past events the copied event always defaults at measure one. How can I copy and past events so as I can specify where they go. It is a bit of a pain creating a copied part for measure 60 and having to go back to measure one and drag it to measure 61 :).

    Third – still regarding copy and pasting, it seems that all copied parts are ghosts of the original. How can I un-ghost them?

    Lastly – it appears that the demo version is letting me save my projects. I thought that saving is disabled in the demo but now I don’t know for sure. The projects show up in the directory but I can’t re-open them. Do the demo restrictions let you save but just not re-open them until the liscence is installed?

    Again, I apologize for all the questions but I want to be sure before buying. I already made that mistake with Energy XT πŸ™ .



    1: Yes it needs to be done. Podium has a “default” setting for each parameter, and you’ll find that when a clip/part is not playing, it will reset to this value. This functionality has been an issue for some and not to others, but the solution for the moment is create an automation part for as long as you need.

    2: If you use the middle mouse button and click somewhere in the arrangement, you will set the playback bar to that position. Pasting occurs where the playback bar is.

    3: Right click on the part and click “Clone phantom sequence”. My opinion is that this is pretty poorly worded. Anyway, that will unghost it. Or you can use the good old keyboard shortcuts: Click and drag an event, hold down alt and let go of mouse button to create a ghost, hold down control and let go of mouse button to create copy.

    4: .. don’t know about this one, but I didn’t think you could save either. I can assure you that, aside from some weird glitch that I haven’t read about on this forum yet which may or may not exist, saved projects on the licensed version will load on a licensed version. πŸ˜›

    Ah another disappointed energyXT user. I still use it as a VST but .. it will take time before I’m willing to give the new version a spin again. I no longer have faith in it, so I can understand.


    You’ve been a great help to me Druid. In regards to item 1 – I found what was causing this to happen. In the very beginning of an automation event is an already inserted node (very small and very hard to see if you’re not looking for it). I created nodes additional to this and was using those. Everytime the automation was over it would default back to that original (almost hidden) node. Once I set that to the value I wanted to be default all was well again :)!!

    Yeah, eXT just crashed way too much for me, and this is when I was just using the native plugs. If a native plug causes crashes I hate to think what 3rd party plugs do 😯


    @bfloyd6969 wrote:

    Lastly – it appears that the demo version is letting me save my projects. I thought that saving is disabled in the demo but now I don’t know for sure. The projects show up in the directory but I can’t re-open them. Do the demo restrictions let you save but just not re-open them until the liscence is installed?

    Saving and loading is not restricted in the demo. The only limitations of the demo are listed in the demo messagebox that appears when you start up the Podium demo.

    Can you give more details on why you can’t “re-open” your saved projects?


    I do not wish to sidetrack too much, so my apologies in advance, but you should seriously look at energyXT 1.41. If you’re into Reaper or Podium, I’d recommend looking at the VST version. It allows more easy routing of signals. I basically use Podium as a track and MIDI editor, and all my VSTs and routing goes on inside energyXT VSTs. It’s pretty flexible. And the first version (VST) is more stable than the second.

    Anyway yeah, more info on not being able to reload would be good!


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @bfloyd6969 wrote:

    Lastly – it appears that the demo version is letting me save my projects. I thought that saving is disabled in the demo but now I don’t know for sure. The projects show up in the directory but I can’t re-open them. Do the demo restrictions let you save but just not re-open them until the liscence is installed?

    Saving and loading is not restricted in the demo. The only limitations of the demo are listed in the demo messagebox that appears when you start up the Podium demo.

    Can you give more details on why you can’t “re-open” your saved projects?

    Nevermind, my bad 😳 . I didn’t realize that by double clicking on the New Arrangement tab opened the project editing screen. (I’m still learning the software…)


    @druid wrote:

    I do not wish to sidetrack too much, so my apologies in advance, but you should seriously look at energyXT 1.41. If you’re into Reaper or Podium, I’d recommend looking at the VST version. It allows more easy routing of signals. I basically use Podium as a track and MIDI editor, and all my VSTs and routing goes on inside energyXT VSTs. It’s pretty flexible. And the first version (VST) is more stable than the second.

    Anyway yeah, more info on not being able to reload would be good!

    Heh, I found v1.4. to be much better than v2.5 too. I was just going to use 1.4 and call it good but then got to thinking that I would like to use a DAW that had a good continuous developement going on and I didn’t see that in XT (obviously). I still have the vst version of 1.4.


    Yes.. I was *fairly* happy with XT 1.4 myself .. but the sour taste in my mouth after realising XT2 was nothing to me compared to 1.4 and that I would not have bugs fixed or any work done on the HOST I was using, when it still could use some work, meant I went searching again.

    And lo, Podium I tried once more, and boy had it changed. I still swear that I must have been thinking of a different program that I tried ages ago that wasn’t Podium, because I am so sure that it was way different.

    Which it was.

    But yes, it does indeed seem more active and sensible in development here, so I shall stay for a while. Of course, part of that is because my music-sound-making actions are on an indefinite hold… Apparently I still can’t resist reading and updating even if I’m doing nothing with them at present. 😳


    @druid wrote:

    Apparently I still can’t resist reading and updating even if I’m doing nothing with them at present. 😳

    Ha ha, I share your pain brother πŸ˜† I suffer from a dozen of projects unfinished.

    I really like Podium but I’ve been having some cpu issues (see the cpu thread over on the support forum). I’m wondering if these issues have something to do with the fact that it won’t close properly for me…


    Try and do the same that you did in the other instance; disable the anti-virus (and check for other running programs that you might not need running) and test to see if that helps Podium.

    May not help, buuuutt… It’s worth a try!


    @druid wrote:

    Try and do the same that you did in the other instance; disable the anti-virus (and check for other running programs that you might not need running) and test to see if that helps Podium.

    May not help, buuuutt… It’s worth a try!

    Will do, thanks.

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