Topic: Multi channel instruments

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  • #1832

    Hello everyone. Getting more into the demo and I am wanting to use my favorite drum sampler AM’s Virtuadrum, and I want to use it as a single stereo channel. How can I assign all the channels from the drum sampler to run on just a single track in Podium? Thanks.


    The scan/import should have created an alternative insert mapping for your multi-out instrument. If not, then you can create one by right-clicking the multi-out mapping on the start page device list, and select “new insert mapping”.

    You can then assign this insert mapping on any number of tracks to create multiple instances. The insert mapping will only route output channels 1+2, so depending on your drum instrument, you may need to configure the output channel numbers in the plugin editor.


    Thanks again Fritz. Yes, Podium created two versions of VirtuaDrum for me. One is a regular stereo version and then there are several sub version each for channels 1&2, 3&4, etc. When I selected the stereo version I could only get channels 1&2 to sound and not the others. I need to change the plugin connectors to allow the other channels to be heard on output but I don’t know where that is… Thanks.


    You’re used to how energyXT does it, clearly. 🙂

    Podium is .. er .. a little different than that, at least visibly.

    If you WANT to use the different outputs, you must use each stereo pair as a DIFFERENT VST instrument.

    Now, this is going to sound weird, and there might be a better way to do it, but here’s how I’ve done it so far:

    I usually create a group, called percussion or drums or whatever. Within that I create three tracks, one for outputs 1+2, one for 3+4 and one for 5+6. I then also put it’s VSTi output to those channels (in my case Drumatic 3 1+2 for the first one, Drumatic 3 3+4 for the second, so on). I then can either create MIDI parts on each of those lines just for those outputs, or I can just use one of them. Let’s say 1+2 is for kick, 3+4 snare and 5+6 hats. In one of my tracks, I have got ALL MIDI just on the kick’s (1+2’s) MIDI lane. However, I have the other two in that group with no MIDI parts in order for it to play through those channels, and also so I can adjust their volume from the mixer.

    I know it sounds weird. But anyway, even if all your MIDI is all on the one lane, each sound will route to where it was told to in the plugin. But you MUST have tracks for each output you want to use, even if there is no MIDI in some of those tracks.

    Depending on your needs, you can also do what I do in other songs, which is to say, use energyXT 1.41 as a VSTi, and then have all the routing you need in there, and treat as a collected unit when output back through Podium.

    Hope that helps.


    @druid wrote:

    You’re used to how energyXT does it, clearly. 🙂

    Podium is .. er .. a little different than that, at least visibly.

    If you WANT to use the different outputs, you must use each stereo pair as a DIFFERENT VST instrument.

    Now, this is going to sound weird, and there might be a better way to do it, but here’s how I’ve done it so far:

    I usually create a group, called percussion or drums or whatever. Within that I create three tracks, one for outputs 1+2, one for 3+4 and one for 5+6. I then also put it’s VSTi output to those channels (in my case Drumatic 3 1+2 for the first one, Drumatic 3 3+4 for the second, so on). I then can either create MIDI parts on each of those lines just for those outputs, or I can just use one of them. Let’s say 1+2 is for kick, 3+4 snare and 5+6 hats. In one of my tracks, I have got ALL MIDI just on the kick’s (1+2’s) MIDI lane. However, I have the other two in that group with no MIDI parts in order for it to play through those channels, and also so I can adjust their volume from the mixer.

    I know it sounds weird. But anyway, even if all your MIDI is all on the one lane, each sound will route to where it was told to in the plugin. But you MUST have tracks for each output you want to use, even if there is no MIDI in some of those tracks.

    Depending on your needs, you can also do what I do in other songs, which is to say, use energyXT 1.41 as a VSTi, and then have all the routing you need in there, and treat as a collected unit when output back through Podium.

    Hope that helps.

    Thanks Druid, and it does help. Actually, I am used to the way Reaper does it (I never really got that far into eXT before I decided I didn’t like it anymore). In Reaper I could put VirtuaDrum on a single track. Inside of that tracks FX editor, I could choose the pin connectors and select them all to have all the multi channels playing on the same single track. In other words I could assign channels 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 to all sound on just channel 1 and still be in stereo. This could be an abnormal way to do it but it was the only way I knew how until now. I do like the idea of being able to have more control over each individual drum for fx purposes:).


    Ah I see.

    As Frits said, within your plugin you might have to change the output of particular sounds. Rather than letting Reaper do it for you (I am going to assume here, possibly incorrectly :P, that it took a plugin’s multiple outputs and just merged them automatically, if that’s what was required for the user), in Podium you have to do it yourself. I guess you could set up sub tracks, which would have the VSTi, and then route those outputs to the one parent track which maybe is a gain VST or something… But safest would be to make sure within the plugin each output selection was to 1+2.

    I um … will say no more. I’ve already slightly misunderstood a couple of your posts. 😛 And I’m not an authority on this stuff by far. I just like trying to help if I think I can.


    With regards to performance, it would be best if you can configure the plugin to output all sounds on 1+2. That will avoid the processing required by the host if it were to mix down all the multiple outputs into one stereo stream.


    Thanks guys, but that’s the problem I’m having. I don’t see anywhere in the VirtuaDrum GUI that gives an option to route the channels. It seems to default at channels 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, etc. for each drum pad/trigger. I do understand what you’s are saying though as I see in ERS Drums, and Drumatic 3 where I can choose what channel I want the output to go to but I don’t see this option with VirtuaDrum. Maybe I’m blind as I am getting old(er). You see, in Reaper there was an option in the Reaper wrapper to select what channels I wanted to output to. This is what I was trying to find in Podium. I’m at work now but once I get home I’ll try to take a screen shot of VirtuDrum loaded inside Podium. Maybe your all’s eyes are better than mine, eh.

    On a nbetter note (no punn intended), I think Podium is fantastic (even if I can’t get VirtuaDrum to work this way) and is a steal at $50 with $35 upgrade liscences.

    Also, let me add that I come from an old analog world and computer recording is still very, very new to me. What ever happened to those old Fostex reel to reels?


    You mean this one?

    You might be right; it looks like it’s hard-wired to output, short of a setup screen or some back panel thing.

    You *might* be better off using a different plugin? I usually use Shortcircuit for drums (mostly out of stubbornness ’cause I bought it back when it wasn’t free), and since it’s free you could try it … it’s a little more, erm… Overloaded than the pluging you’re talking about (if I got the right one). I’m sure there are others out there that do a similar job as well.


    Yup, that’s the one and I love it. I could just use it as a multi track like you stated before. I did try that and it worked quite nicely.

    I’ve heard of Shortcircuit and I even have a shortcut on my desktop to the site for download; I just haven’t downloaded yet. It looks very big and confusing and I just keep putting it off 😀 . Maybe it’s time to give it a try.


    @bfloyd6969 wrote:

    I don’t see anywhere in the VirtuaDrum GUI that gives an option to route the channels. It seems to default at channels 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, etc. for each drum pad/trigger.

    I haven’t tried the plugin, but I saw this in the Virtuadrum update notes:
    “v1.2 Added stereo- multichannel switch”. That sounds like the solution you are looking for.


    Ah there you go! Solution!

    Also, I know that shortcircuit seems intimidating… And if you don’t need all its features, then being stubborn and using it anyway like me probably isn’t a good idea. 😆

    There are quite a few features that you can, if you like, just ignore though. It’s free, so you should give it a try at some point. Make sure you have some free time just to have a look at all the things, work out the pieces you HAVE to know (importing samples, setting up playback note and range notes, ADSR envelopes, and channel muting) and leave the rest until you feel like working it out. 😉


    Thanks Fritz, I’ll have to upgrade:)

    – I’ve been wanting to give Shortcircuit a try so I’ll just go ahead and jump in. Besides, I’ve been wanting to get more into sampling anyways:)

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