Topic: Multi-timbral VSTis

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  • #115

    Fritz – please can we have ‘How-to’ for setting up Multi-timbral VSTis?? I’ve read the Online Guide, but cannot for the life of me figure it out i.e how to feed one instance of a plug with multiple channels of midi, and i’m sure it can’t be that hard…..:? And it’s almost the last thing on my list to figure out 🙂

    Any tips gratefully appreciated 🙂


    Importing a multioutput plugin in Podium will correctly create mappings for all the available output configurations. With the current VST 2.3 spec there unfortunately is no way to determine if a plugin supports multitimbrality, so Podium does not create separate mappings for the individual MIDI channels. On the future plan is an addition to the Project Wizard plugin panel, where the user can specify whether the imported plugin is multitimbral. If this option is selected then Podium would create the extra MIDI mappings automatically, but it is a dumb thing to implement just because of a flaw in the VST spec.

    In the meantime, here’s what you have to do manually:
    After importing the plugin, browse to the folder containing the plugin output mappings. Here you should create 16 new mappings set to the 16 MIDI output channels, all referring to the same global plugin instance as the audio mappings but with audio input/output disabled. When you place these on tracks they will not route audio, but only control MIDI on the individual channels. Elsewhere in the arrangement you then place the plugin audio mappings you intend to use. To see an example of how the separate use of audio and MIDI mappings can be used, look at the Drumatic plugin in the freebees example project.

    And it’s almost the last thing on my list to figure out

    😯 I’m sure we can find something that you need an explanation for 😉



    Just ignore the instructions above on how to manually set up a multitimbral VSTi. The latest 0.92 release has a button in the Wizard that does all this automatically.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    . The latest 0.92 release has a button in the Wizard that does all this automatically.

    Works great, thanks! 🙂

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