Topic: Multiple MIDI channels in, and CC modulation in, clips.

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  • #1705

    Hi Frits,

    This is almost definitely not on your list for the next update, but I thought I would suggest it anyway (though, probably, it has been already).

    Being able to insert notes under different MIDI channels (1-16) is something I have occasionally done in order to put rare automation in clips. For instance, I have a drum beat, which runs through a switcher. There are three lines, one highpass, one lowpass, and one straight through. This switcher takes notes as the means to switch between its outputs. I insert a filter for MIDI before the switcher so that only channel 16 gets through, and the note I insert in the clip is on channel 16 (this is within energyXT). This means it won’t play (especially if I filter out channel 16 before it) the drums, it will only switch. But because that clip is linked to the change of which output to use, I don’t have to have a seperate envelope track just to occasionally change the switch output. There are other uses of course, multitimbral plugins and the like, which come to think of it I have used once or twice as well, but wanted them on the same track.

    Also, CC modulation. Can’t think of the proper name. Automation tracks are great; but sometimes I really don’t need more resolution than 128, and only change it here and there, and the automation tracks just aren’t necessary; I’d like to have a line of bars that I can just edit within the same clip, so it’s all contained and there are less automation tracks to have in the way. Also, again, if it’s linked to that one clip, it sometimes makes sense to be embedded into it. Not only that, but rather than be linked to parameters of VSTs, it would be just sending the value of a CC, which is more flexible (although perhaps not quite yet throughout all of Podium).

    Just a couple of things I miss now and then.

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