Topic: My new website about inexpensive musicmaking

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  • #2912

    I was thinking about making my own website for some time and after some discussions about “premium DAWs”, inexpensive solutions and other similiar things, I decided to aim it a bit more on “frugal musicmaking”.

    I finished 1st thing just a minutes ago, but I would like to share it because the 1st thing I posted on my web (apart from my music and rather odd photo of mine) is related to Podium itself. (giving some basic introduction to Podium FREE + few reccomendations on useful VSTs to load it with and a practical use of Zpitch pitch shifter).

    I hope you will like it. Any feedback is appreciated.[/quote]


    Good for you!
    Keep posting and sharing experiences, you never know to how many people or in what ways you might be helpful to them.
    And yes, Podium is well worh getting you first post! 😉



    I’ve visited your website yesterday.
    I’m glad to tell you that if you want, you can add also my video tutorials about using Podium Free.
    They are very simple but they may be useful.
    See my signature below to find them.




    @MLS wrote:


    I’ve visited your website yesterday.
    I’m glad to tell you that if you want, you can add also my video tutorials about using Podium Free.
    They are very simple but they may be useful.
    See my signature below to find them.



    Really good tutorials you have there. I might acutally find vocoder tutorial useful myself 🙂 I will put them on my site as they deserve some mentions. Also thins gave me an idea to search for some tuts for absolute beginners. Thanks 🙂

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