Topic: My numberpad 7 moves my cursor back

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  • #1226
    sam c

    to the next marker but 8 does not move it forward. any ideas?

    W & Q work as they should.

    How about a pop up menu with marker names….select one to move to that marker.


    Num9 moves forward. Check the shortcut table:

    How about a pop up menu with marker names….select one to move to that marker.

    I’ll consider it. With the latest release (1.82) you can quickly scroll between markers by using the mouse wheel on the marker region.

    sam c

    Press Q/W or Numpad 7/8 to move the play cursor to the previous or next marker event, or to the previous or next edge of the segment selection, punch or loop ranges, whichever comes first. Press Alt+J/K/L to set the segment, punch and loop ranges to the two marker events surrounding the play cursor position. These ranges can also be set with the marker event context menu

    from the Podium Guide on the wiki.

    the mouse scroll is very cool. i still like the option of a pop up menu though.


    All correct, except it says “Numpad 7/9”.

    Edit: Ooh, yes I see there is a typo in the guide. The popup help, and the key shortcut guide says Numpad 7/9 though.

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