Topic: Names of exported segments sounds

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  • #822


    When I export a segment of audio in the Sound Editor and give it a name, this is the name of the “old parent” sound that is shown when I import it after via the List.

    Example :
    – sound name “First sound.wav”
    – exported segment : “section 1.wav”
    – name of the “section 1” sound when imported on a track : “First sound”
    So I must open the properties and give the correct name manually…

    Could you correct this so the imported sound have the name of the file ?



    So ?


    The name of the sound is stored within the wav file. Podium uses this ‘name’ chunk when importing wav files. If you want it to behave like you describe, then I should modify the “export segment” command to store the user-supplied filename as the name inside the wav file, instead of the name of the sound object?


    If you want it to behave like you describe, then I should modify the “export segment” command to store the user-supplied filename as the name inside the wav file, instead of the name of the sound object?

    Much more logical and less time consuming.

    Perhaps is there some case where it may have some interest that the imported sounds have not the name of the files, but I don’t see anything actually.
    Especially it is necessary to rename the sounds to identify them, and we have also to save them after renaming…

    But a possibility to change the names of the audio events in the arrangement in a non destructive manner will be nice for the future.



    Storing filename instead of object name in exported segments is now implemented, and will appear in release 1.61.


    Yeah !!

    Thank you a lot Frits !

    Do you think that a non destructive way to give a name to an audio event will be possible at some point ?
    That is to say that the “Sound Name” option in the sound properties box give a name to the instance of the sound instead of the file ?


    That is to say that the “Sound Name” option in the sound properties box give a name to the instance of the sound instead of the file ?

    Is the reason you want this only to avoid having to save the wave file with the new name?


    No !

    Excuse me if explain badly…

    When we split a long file in different sequences, it is very usefull to give different names to distinguish them, like for other kinds of sequences, MIDI or envelopes.
    This doesn’t mean saving the sounds, only give names to the audio events in the arrangement, not the sounds themselves.

    It is an ordinary method when making audio editing.
    I can do without it, it is just in the case…


    When we split a long file in different sequences, it is very usefull to give different names to distinguish them

    When you split one file into several sequence events, are you using phantom copies or are you creating new unique sound objects?

    The name you see in sound/sequence events on tracks are the property of the sound/sequence object. The name is not stored as part of the sequence event. Phantom copy events thus show the same name.


    In the arrangement I make only non destructive editing, split, resize etc.
    It is only phantom copies of the sound datas but must be “real copies” of the sequences like in other DAWs.

    The name is not stored as part of the sequence event.

    So it would require a specific “event name” ?

    I think that the concept of real copies / phantom copies is not very relevant for audio sequences since in general we make destructive editing, and export of segments, in the sound editor window.
    An option to turn an audio sequence into a new sound could be usefull in some cases, but for me, and it is how other softwares do, the arrangement must be non destructive but with sequences parameters.

    I suppose that it is how it will work for fades and events volume ???
    For example, if I make a (phantom) copy of an audio event I will be able to set different fades and volumes for each one witout having to copy the sound datas ?


    So it would require a specific “event name” ?


    For example, if I make a (phantom) copy of an audio event I will be able to set different fades and volumes for each one witout having to copy the sound datas ?

    Yes. Event fade-in/out will be properties of the event and not the linked sound.

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