Topic: New: Master Stereo and Jamstix/BFD questions

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  • #505

    Hi, I’m following the online tutorial andI am at the part where it says in the wizard that you will see a setup to get master stereo mapping going..well I am using the demo and I don’t see it..Is this because I have the demo? If so, How would I go about bypassing that step so i can hear my recordings?

    Also, In tracktion I use Jamstix to control the outputs of BFD (it’s around 17 tracks. How would I setup jamstix for MIDI out only to control BFD, and then send each BFD all track to it’s own individual track so i can mix each drum?


    scroll down a bit at this link and you will see what i’m talking about w/ the audio output mappings.


    Hi stash98,

    I am at the part where it says in the wizard that you will see a setup to get master stereo mapping going..well I am using the demo and I don’t see it..Is this because I have the demo?

    It should not be a demo limitation, but I am not sure I understand you correctly. Are you talking about the ‘audio mappings’ panel in the project wizard or are you missing the audio output mappings in the arrangement editor?

    How would I setup jamstix for MIDI out only to control BFD, and then send each BFD all track to it’s own individual track so i can mix each drum?

    Sorry, I have to disappoint you here. Podium does not currently support streaming of MIDI output from a plugin into another plugin. It’s fast becoming one of the most requested features, but I cannot promise when it will be implemented.



    oh..darn..well that’s a huge part of my needs, so I will keep watching the forums to see when that is implemented..very key feature for me.

    as for the audio mappings..i dont see the toption to make a master stereo bus in it in the when i try and map a track i open my maps and just see all my plugins and no master stereo to map to.


    i dont see the toption to make a master stereo bus in it in the wizard

    When you open the ‘Audio Mappings’ panel in the project wizard, what does it say? If you have enabled your audio interface, there should be a button for ‘create audio output mappings’. When you click this, two new buttons will appear to ‘create audio input mappings’ and ‘create new mixer bus mappings’.


    ill start over and try again..whats wierd is i thought i did that.

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