Topic: No recording in demo version?

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  • #1108

    I’m trying demo version now and I almost decided to buy it, but there is one problem. I can’t record anything – nor midi, nor audio.
    I’ve created midi event on the track with my softsynth, set midi input and hear sound when I play, that’s ok. But when I click “R” on this track and Record button on main transport, after that click Start, cursor start to move, I still hear the sound of that synth, but no recording done at all. Midi event stays empty. Same with audio track – I hear sound from audio inputs of my audiointerface, but can’t record anything.
    Am I doing something wrong or that is limitation of demo version?
    I’ve tried this with previous (1.74) demo, today installed new one (1.77), results are the same.
    I use laptop with Athlon64 CPU and E-MU 1616m PCMCIA audio interface.
    Windows XP 64 bit version.


    Have you looked at the video tutorials in the wiki section? Perhaps some questions can be anwered there..


    The demo version is not record restricted.

    The timeline of the tracks you have record enabled should be drawn in red color. If you don’t see this, then check if you have punch-in/out enabled. You may need to extend the punch range then. Another way to verify recording is that the play cursor will turn red instead of green, when it is recording.

    It is not necessary to create midi or audio events on the tracks before recording.


    Thanks, but yes, I’ve looked at video tutorials. Also I’ve read wiki and followed all instructions from there.

    Yes, timeline became red when I enable recordings and cursor changed to red too. I’ve tried to switch punch-in/out to “on” and “off”, but no recordings done in both modes.



    Please send me your project file, so I can verify that it will record on my PC.

    It may be because you are using XP 64. I’ve not had a chance to test Podium on XP Pro 64 or Vista yet.


    @NiDerLander wrote:

    Thanks, but yes, I’ve looked at video tutorials. Also I’ve read wiki and followed all instructions from there.

    Yes, timeline became red when I enable recordings and cursor changed to red too. I’ve tried to switch punch-in/out to “on” and “off”, but no recordings done in both modes.


    That does sound very strange. I know this is going to sound extremely obvious but have you tried..

    a. Restarting Podium?

    b. Restarting your PC, then restarting Podium?

    c. Checked to see if there are any other audio related applications running in the background?

    Sorry if you have already done this (just trying to help you) it’s just that Podium really should be working, if as Frits said ” The demo version is not record restricted.” 😐


    No need to sorry, and thank you for your trying in helping me!
    But this is not the case too. In fact, I’ve restarted, rebooted etc. several times. I’m learning Podium demo few weeks already. And there is no any applications running in the background – just Podium and soundcard mixing console.

    I’ve sent project file to the email info@….
    I also have some assumption now about why Podium may not work in my system. Maybe there is some conflict with drivers from my old soundcard (M-Audio Firewire 410) which I sold before switching to E-MU 1616m, but I can’t uninstall old drivers from system. They have no such option and there is no ways to uninstall them properly, so they still stay in my system. When I’ve first started Podium demo, it tried to use them instead of drivers from E-MU and crashed several times until I was able to switch it to right ones and saved configuration.
    I’m going to do clean reinstall of Windows in next few days and will try again after that.
    As for my windows is being 64bit, I don’t think this should be the problem, because all other audio applications which I have running smooth there. In fact, they work even better and more stable than in 32bit version of winXP.


    I’m going to do clean reinstall of Windows in next few days and will try again after that.

    Hm, you could try some kind of registry cleaner.. Perhaps this will help and save you some time..


    Hm, you could try some kind of registry cleaner.. Perhaps this will help and save you some time..

    🙂 Maybe. But I was going to reinstall windows anyway, even without this problem with Podium.


    When I’ve first started Podium demo, it tried to use them instead of drivers from E-MU and crashed several times until I was able to switch it to right ones and saved configuration.

    Does this mean you had a previous Podium demo installed where you used your old soundcard drivers? Have you ever succeeded in recording with Podium?

    If you say that you can monitor your MIDI and audio inputs through the Podium mixer, then I don’t think it’s driver conflicts that is causing recording to fail.


    Does this mean you had a previous Podium demo installed where you used your old soundcard drivers? Have you ever succeeded in recording with Podium?

    No, I’ve installed Podium first time after I changed soundcard, but with first launch of Podium it said “can’t find M-Audio Firewire hardware, maybe it’s not powered or not connected to your PC” (I do not remember exact phrase, but something like this), and after few seconds Podium crashed. This was happend several times, but after several tries I had luck to set audiodrivers to E-MU in preferences before Podium crashed, and after that it is working.

    If you say that you can monitor your MIDI and audio inputs through the Podium mixer, then I don’t think it’s driver conflicts that is causing recording to fail.

    Well, maybe not the driver conflict, but I think it still maybe something wrong with my system performance, because ther are still old drivers stays there. They was beta-version drivers for x64 system, so it maybe something wrong with them.


    No, I’ve installed Podium first time after I changed soundcard, but with first launch of Podium it said “can’t find M-Audio Firewire hardware, maybe it’s not powered or not connected to your PC”

    Hmm, strange. When you install Podium for the first time the interface selections should be blank, so it should not show any interface errors. Try using the “Load Default Setup” in the setup menu. This will reset the interface selections, and all other preferences are set to defaults.


    Finaly I’ve found what the problem was, thanks to Podianer! 😀
    It’s your video tutorial made me to check MIDI preferences in Podium once more time. Just needed to untick “Use time stamps from driver” box for my MIDI input, and all working now. 8)
    Great thank you Frits and Conquistador for your time!
    I’m gone to learn Podium futher…


    When you install Podium for the first time the interface selections should be blank, so it should not show any interface errors.

    It was blank in Podium preferences, but I got that message regarding M-Audio drivers with very first start of Podium, it was surprised me too. Thats why I still think there is something wrong with that drivers or with my system and going to do clean reinstall anyway.


    It’s your video tutorial made me to check MIDI preferences in Podium once more time. Just needed to untick “Use time stamps from driver” box for my MIDI input, and all working now.

    Great! I was thinking about suggesting you should clear this option, but this does not affect audio recording. Didn’t you say you could not record audio either?

    It was blank in Podium preferences, but I got that message regarding M-Audio drivers with very first start of Podium, it was surprised me too. Thats why I still think there is something wrong with that drivers or with my system and going to do clean reinstall anyway.

    Ok that makes sense. When Podium starts up, it scans the properties of all ASIO drivers on the system. This may have provoked the M-Audio driver to show the error dialog.


    Didn’t you say you could not record audio either?

    Yes, I was not able to record anything with this option checked, but after I cleared this checkbox both audio and MIDI recordings started to work. Maybe this is because I’ve tried to record both audio and MIDI tracks at the same time with that option checked?

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