Topic: No Stereo

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  • #2698

    Just downloaded Podium. Every audio file I create is mono on my left channel. Both meters are moving on the tracks and the master. I tried clicking on the file itself but it says its already stereo. This only happens with my main outputs. The other outputs on my multi output interface seem to work in stereo. No luck with the main outs In the setup they are all listed the same as audio outputs but only one speaker on the mains. I try other app, no problem play CDs, no problem always stereo but Podium is left channel only. What am I doing wrong. Thanks in advance.


    Both meters are moving on the tracks and the master

    From your description, I take it that your recorded audio files actually contain wave data in both channels (i.e. are there two channels displayed in the waveform display).

    If so, then it likely is a problem with the audio output mapping selected on the master track. On project creation, Podium will create both stereo and mono mappings for all the channels you’ve enabled on your audio interface. Open the properties for the main output mapping, and check that the “mixer output” combobox is showing “stereo”.


    Tried everything you suggested still left channel only. Propertiies says its stereo meter says its stereo all other layla 3g outputs working in stereo except the mains. Yes the file itself even shows left and right. every output under audio outputs is listed the same, as stereo out. But the mains are still mono left channel only.


    You can email your .pod project file to me (info at, and I’ll see if your setup is ok.


    How do I save a .pod file?


    A .pod file (Zynewave Podium Project File) is save when you save your project, and you’ll find the .pod file in your Podium Projects folder.


    @Thrust wrote:

    Every audio file I create is mono on my left channel

    If you’re referring to exported audio or the bounce at the master track then double check that object’s properties.

    This is pretty much a reiteration of what Frits suggested. You may have inadvertently selected mono.
    @Thrust wrote:

    …only happens with my main outputs. The other outputs on my multi output interface seem to work in stereo.

    In addition to the .pod file, I suggest you send Frits a copy of your setup. Click Setup → Save Setup… to create a .ini file.

    I hope this helps?!

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