Topic: Nord Rack 3 Device Definition

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  • #282

    Hello fellow Podium users!
    I’m currently perfecting a device defenition for my Clavia Nord Rack 3 (software version 1.2x) and I was wondering if anyone else here would be interrested in gettng a copy.
    This is the first device defenition I’ve made for Podium, so I though perhaps some of you may give this a test to ensure that I’ve done it right before posting it at the Device Definitions section of this forum.

    Would you like to test it? Just give me the message and I’ll put it online somewhere. 😉



    Hi Joachim,

    I voted ‘I don’t have a Nord Rack 3 :-/’ 😥

    Just curious; Did you start from scratch or did you find a Cubase patch script file to import the factory preset names?

    Last time I checked the Nord specs, I believe all the settings in the device could be controlled by control change messages. So I assume you’re not entering any SysEx parameters?

    If you want to ‘donate’ your definition, I can include it in the ‘Device definitions’ forum. I can also host the file on



    Yes, the synthesizer can be controlled by control change messages, luckily for me, I have no previous experience with contolling gear using SysEx. The Nord manual has a section with a complete MIDI Controller list, which made the creation of the Device Definition quite easy.
    I did a quick search for a Nord Rack 3 Cubase script just now, but there was none to be found.

    I would love to donate my definition, but I hoped someone could test it to ensure it is flawless before I do so. I have’nt had the chance to test it properly myself you see. I just want to make shure everything works and it’s done properly with regards to your guidelines.

    I’m currently brewing a device definition for the Yamaha O3D digital mixer, so far I’ve got control over all the faders and panning, but for the rest I will need help with SysEx programming in order to control the equalizers, effects and compressors and so on to make it a fully functional device definition.

    This is not the final device definition I’ll make, expect to see definitions for the Waldorf Q, Novation SuperNova 2, Access Indigo 2/Virus C, Alesis Andromeda A6, Alesis Ion (Nord Modular 2GX as well?) as time allows 😉


    Even though I don’t have the Nord Lead, you can always email me the definition file, and I can check whether it appears to be correctly defined.

    This is not the final device definition I’ll make, expect to see definitions for the Waldorf Q, Novation SuperNova 2, Access Indigo 2/Virus C, Alesis Andromeda A6, Alesis Ion (Nord Modular 2GX as well?) as time allows 😉

    Wow, an impressive gear list 8)

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