Topic: Nusofting DK drums

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  • #1408

    Hi Frits,
    I’m currently having trouble with midi routing on channel 16 to triger patterns in the demo of DK drums, simply setting the track input to ch 16 seems only to triger individual hits.
    Any ideas about the correct routing ?

    thanks and thanks again for the updates.


    I browsed the DK+ pdf guide (by DarkStar) and found this hint:

    “to enable the Step Sequencer – send MIDI note C#3 on MIDI channel 16”

    Are you doing this? There also appears to be a on/off button on the UI for enabling the sequencer.


    Hi Frits
    I’ve double checked I’m on ch 16, and midi notes act as on all other channels ie triggering individual hits. C#3 has no effect.

    The on/off button simply mutes/unmutes the sequencer output.

    I will contact Nusofting, hopefully they will have some ideas.

    thanks Mart.


    I thought I’d bring this one back up as I searched on the same issue just before buying Podium and then discovered how to do this (thanks to podanier’s videos again!) – which prompted me to buy 😀

    The answer (now at least, don’t know if it was then…) is to create an empty group track and add to it “NUSofting DK Virtual Drums (#1) Out 1+2” output from the device list and also “NUSofting DK Virtual Drums (#1) (16)” channel from the device list.

    As a group it should then be possible to control the DK+ step sequencer by setting midi-in to the (#1)(16) channel track when playing an arrangement.

    Hope this of some help to somebody else.


    Thanks for the tip Anzoid,

    I’ve since adopted the export midi file method when using DK+,and tweaking note timings,velocities, to humanize the feel and build fills etc.

    It’s a great plug and I’ll check out the pattern triggering when I’m back on my music machine.


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