Topic: Overload!!! Podium can't keep up?

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  • #40327
    Nick Mason


    I am trying to record some piano pieces with Podium Free. On most of the slower, simpler pieces Podium works just fine but recently I tried a faster piece with lots of arpeggios (Debussy’s Arabesque) and I found on playback that bits of the performance had been missed, as though Podium had been unable to keep up. Can anyone offer any help with this?

    John Garside

    Hi Nick,
    What you haven’t done is give any details about the equipment you’re using to input the music. Neither do you say whether it’s MIDI or audio you’re trying to record.
    But, assuming it’s MIDI, are you using a MIDI to USB adaptor between your keyboard and the computer? The reason I ask is because if you’re using a cheap adaptor it may well be that this is causing the problem. There are more reported faults with low cost MIDI/USB adaptors than almost any other problems. They frequently have internal timing problems.It’s usually necesssary to buy a more expensive one from a known quality supplier.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by John Garside.
    Nick Mason

    Hi John

    Thanks for your reply.

    By adaptor do you mean USB interface? I am recording from a keyboard via 1/4inch jack to a Alesis USB unit. I realised that I had the gain on the unit quite high so turned it down and upped the input volume instead, that seems to have done the trick so far. The next step is doing a decent rendition of the piece, which is easier said than done!


    Nick Mason

    Unfortunately this problem has recurred. After recording a longish piece with a lot of notes, I get
    stuttering sounds and sometimes a blank bit, often towards the end of the piece.
    I have tried turning down the gain (so there is less information going in), and reducing the sample rate but these things haven’t been effective.
    Any ideas would be gratefully received.




    Does the stuttering occur at the same position on each playback? If you zoom in on the waveform where the stuttering occurs, is there a visible gap?

    If the stuttering is random, you could try to adjust your interface settings. Make sure you have selected the ASIO driver for your Alesis interface. The Alesis ASIO options dialog should include a setting for the size of the audio buffer. Try to increase this and see if that eliminates the stuttering.

    Nick Mason


    Thanks for your reply.

    The stuttering and cut outs usually occur toward the end of a three minute track. It usually happens just once per track.

    I’m fairly sure I have selected the right driver when recording.

    I have tried the audio buffer setting both higher and lower, and also altered the audio sample rate. but still the same problem.

    Are there any other settings that I could try?

    kind regards



    Sorry for the late reply. If you bounce the arrangement master track, and play back the arrangement with the master bounce enabled, is the audio dropout present here as well? I’m trying to determine if the dropouts you hear are due to CPU/memory overload during playback, or if the dropouts are actually present in your recorded tracks.

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