Topic: Panning and indivual track.

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  • #1896

    I have a midi arrangement and can see each track’s panning slider. However, when it looks as though only the master tracks panning slider seems to take effect. But, I really would like to pan each track as well. Can someone tell me how to get the panning sliders to work for each track?

    Podium 2.13
    System: Intel Core Duo, T8100 2.1ghz, 3gig ram, 32bit OS

    Audio Report:
    Podium audio manager status report
    Log period: 4/7/2009 9:07:17 AM – 4/7/2009 9:15:26 AM

    MME input device: Microphone (Realtek High Defini [Input]
    MME output device: Speaker/HP (Realtek High Defini [Output]
    – Supported sample rates: 32000, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000
    – Current sample rate: 44100
    – Input channels: 2 (11)
    – Output channels: 2 (11)
    – Input/Output latency, buffer size: 12096/6048, 6048
    – PerformanceCounter: 14318180 Hz

    End of report


    Okay. I got the panning to work while using the pan editor. But the panning sliders on each individual track would not work. I think the panning editor worked because I enabled panning in the track properties. Im still puzzled by why only the master track’s panning slider works and not each individual track.


    Weird. I got the panning to work with the slider now. I believe there is an order of steps required to make this work. But I did not take note of the diffs. Here is what I did to get it to work.

    1. Import midi file.
    2. Remove all but program change child track, a bunch came with the import.
    2. Set track properties to include output panning.
    3. Add panning fx type child track to parent Program Change track.
    4. Panning slider for that track now works.


    Im not understanding something. I followed the same steps but when I pan to the left, the signals goes away, I can go to the right but not left. I have enabled panning. I’m confused now.


    I closed my project, cleaned the carpet, re-opened my project and all panning is working – provided I setup the track properties to have panning and select the program change child track to be panning.

    I be excited now.


    Gosh. Something is wrong. Now the other tracks won’t pan. I was playing with another track, trying to get it to pan and now no other track will pan to the left. It just simple cuts out.


    Okay. I have determined this to be a bug. What is happening is that Podium is not retaining the settings, regardless of whether the dialogs indicate so. I have both the program change and parent track setup with panning option selected, but nothing.

    What do I need to provide for you to look at this?


    Maybe this has something to do with the fader/panner positions? have you tried this? In the mixer panel there is a rectangular area with small boxes in it. You can switch the fader/meter/pan position within the FX-chain.


    The panning can become inefective depending on whether you use mono or stereo effects in the chain. It’s easiest for me to check if you can email me your project file (no need for audio files).


    You know, I must confess…. I did not keep track of the exact steps. But, things were not consistant at all. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it did not. Same VST fxs. Now, things are good and panning is working fine.

    I don’t quite understand the concept of having the child program change track’s option to display output panning and gain vs. the top level parent track’s option to display output panning and gain?

    How is one different than the other?


    @dea wrote:

    You know, I must confess…. I did not keep track of the exact steps. But, things were not consistant at all. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it did not. Same VST fxs. Now, things are good and panning is working fine.

    I don’t quite understand the concept of having the child program change track’s option to display output panning and gain vs. the top level parent track’s option to display output panning and gain?

    How is one different than the other?

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean with having pan on a “child program change track”. It doesn’t sound right to me. Can you email your project file or perhaps post a screenshot?


    I’m sorry. Let me explain.

    If I go to the Program Change’s Track Properties, there are options to display output gain and panning.

    If I go to the parent track’s ( main track containing midi notes, etc. forgive my incorrect verbage…i’m still getting my arms around the concepts ), Track Properties dialog, I also see output gain and panning.

    I set one, but the other was not set…I don’t remember whether I worked my way up through the child tracks to the parent, or the other way around. Sorry.


    I will get those for you as soon as I can.


    I’m going to hold off on this for a while. I need to get a better feel for what I’m looking at and to take better notes on the steps I have taken. Thanks.

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