Topic: Parameter Event Automation

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  • #613


    This function looks great !
    But I don’t see any knob in the boxes and Event Propertie is grayed.

    If the parameter object is configured to have a value range, the parameter event will show a value along with a dial you can use to change the value

    I’ve tried with my plugs and others, with parameter range from 0 to 1 or other values, with “Record as a curve sequence…” selected or not : no change.

    On which track must I put the parameters events ? On a sub track ?

    Any advice ?


    Currently parameter events can only be used with MIDI parameters 😳

    The automation chapter was written some time ago, and at that time I had hoped that I would have time to implement plugin and mixer parameter events before the next release. But I needed to release a new demo version before the old one expired in August. I hope to have it implemented for the next release 1.38.


    I think that it will be very usefull for me.


    Hi Frits,

    Currently parameter events can only be used with MIDI parameters
    The automation chapter was written some time ago, and at that time I had hoped that I would have time to implement plugin and mixer parameter events before the next release. But I needed to release a new demo version before the old one expired in August. I hope to have it implemented for the next release 1.38.

    not to stress you ! but this promised feature will really be very usefull… so, if you have, hem, some, hem, time………………..



    I haven’t forgotten about this. It just got sidetracked by some more important stuff.


    It just got sidetracked by some more important stuff.

    I know… 🙂

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