Topic: pianoroll has dissapeared

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  • #30228

    There’s probably a simple solution to this, but I started up podium yesterday and opened a track to edit notes/events. I noticed that the piano roll, which normally sits on the left side of the windowed track timeline, has disappeared. I must have accidentally deleted it or something, but I do not know how to get it back, anyone got some advice?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Vulcan.

    The piano roll in the windowed bit can be dragged to change its size, if it is invisible grab the left edge of the time bit at the top of the window.


    The piano roll in the windowed bit can be dragged to change its size, if it is invisible grab the left edge of the time bit at the top of the window.

    If that doesn’t solve it then the best option in these situations is to select the ‘restore default setup’ option under the setup menu.


    Thanks, it worked. Problem solved.


    Thanks for the advice, Problem solved.

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