Topic: Playing more than one VSTi at once?

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  • #301

    I’m just starting out on one of my first projects with Podium.
    I’ve worked with folder tracks in SX before, and I was curious if Podium could do the same. That is playing two or more VSTi at the same time from one MIDI keyboard.
    I mapped the two VSTi’s in two sub tracks and assigned the MIDI input to the track one hierarchy level above them. I though that would send MIDI downward the hierarchy tree to every VSTi, but Podium does’nt seem to do that.
    Is this possible as of today? Maybe this is something worth adding to the list of all planned and proposed updates to Podium or as a future feature?


    It is not possible currently. Just like audio, note and curve sequences, MIDI inputs flow upwards in the track hierarchy. This has come up before, so I’ll add it to the plan.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I assume you want to layer the VSTi’s so that a single key will play both synths simultaneously.


    You could use EnergyXT and load it into Podium as a VSTi
    It’s easy to layer synths and effects in XT and it does a whole lot more too 8)


    Yes, you’re correct, I want to layer VSTi’s.
    In order to this to work, I presume a switch of some sort would be needed to reverse the MIDI flow. My only question then, would’nt that introduce some conflict(s) ?

    If you ever implement such a feature or similar solution, don’t limit it to VSTi’s, let it be possible with external MIDI instruments as well. And, when supported, the same functionality should be applicable for ReWire in the (near?) future.

    Layering two or more Subtractor synths is often inevitable in Reason, but one track for each device is required and the sequences cannot be linked. When making changes to one of the layered tracks, the same change must be duplicated or copied for each track. This is one of Reason’s weak points. 😉

    By the time Podium supports ReWire, my dream is to play as many VSTi’s and/or Reason devices I wish with only one input mapping at the root of the hierarchy layers. At the same time I would only have to deal with one track for a group of layered synths for recording, playback and bouncing.

    Hope I’m not causing any further confusion. 🙂


    In order to this to work, I presume a switch of some sort would be needed to reverse the MIDI flow.

    Not necessary. One solution would be to allow a single MIDI input mapping to be assigned to multiple tracks. Another solution would be to make a MIDI input that is assigned to a group track, be inherited by any child tracks that does not have any MIDI input mapping. Similar to the ‘ghosted’ device mapping name you will see when focus is on e.g. a parameter child track.

    let it be possible with external MIDI instruments as well


    ReWire in the (near?) future

    I don’t have a time estimate for ReWire. At least a month away before I will look into it.


    I’d unreservedly recommend EnergyXT to help you with this. Its so flexible its unbelieveable.

    If you go over to you can see how popular it is, for 39euro its the best music tool you can buy. Really. 🙂

    By the way, KVR people might know me, i’m a regular over there 😀


    One solution would be to allow a single MIDI input mapping to be assigned to multiple tracks.

    I think that solution might easily become too cumbersome to work with.

    Another solution would be to make a MIDI input that is assigned to a group track, be inherited by any child tracks that does not have any MIDI input mapping.

    I’m more in favor of this solution. It resembles the folder tracks feature found in SX and it would be the easiest method to work with.

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