Topic: Plugin Overhaul Needed in Podium

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  • #22290
    The Telenator

    Well, tubby, if you really want to know what my opinion is of forum posts on the Net and the unwritten ‘rules’ that some apply, I’d have to say that the whole thing is one entire stink. The pseudo ‘hipness’ of responding and being obscure within users’ posts is more of a waste of time to me than someone who takes the time and effort to be detailed and very clear about what point is being made and the support for it.

    There’s nothing ‘hip’ at all about the inability to read, comprehend well and focus one’s attention on a matter for more than 15 seconds. I don’t live and communicate in sound bites. I won’t elaborate too much here, either, since I know it’s so hard to read more than a few lines. George Burns yacked on the Telly ceaselessly every time he was on. Part of his humour was his ramble, a half mumble at times.

    I’d laugh out loud if it wasn’t such a sad reality, but in regards to the general public and their use of the internet, it hasn’t seemed to make the public smarter. No, nowadays nobody can spell, no one can write a full grammatical sentence, no one actually writes letters to close friends anymore; in fact, people hardly send email of any real substance anymore; instead just tweets and phrases. God forbid you ever have a real problem about something on a forum, because it’s 50/50 that the responses you get will be clear enough to understand and apply.

    This and more has been said mostly of the generation of what are called The Millennials, a generation of ignoramuses, and many lazy also. I find it odd that the PC, invented partially to free us up and make life easier, has, like so many other inventions similarly touted, in the end turned around to enslave us.

    I rarely bother sharing any tips, wisdom, discoveries, etc., anymore on forums. Why? Simple — one jerk will flame you, another’s a troll, another whines about length, another misses the entire point no matter how clear, another simply shows up with a bad attitude and no manners. Either way, one ends up a target. Screw it. I know many others with my length of time in music who don’t share on forums anymore. It’s easy to see why. That’s a loss to all the young snots with little or no experience. They’ll just have to learn the hard way, if at all. That’s just tough, isn’t it? And if this post is too long, well, that’s just tough too.

    Brevity in a highly technological age is a recipe for disaster.


    Well, as it happens I agree with a lot of what you said there – plenty of valid points, and for what it’s worth, I don’t think your post (in this case) was too long. πŸ˜‰

    My issue was that you repeatedly bring up gripes with Podium which, though I’m sure are quite reasonable, don’t need to be raised at every opportunity.

    @Telenator wrote:

    Brevity in a highly technological age is a recipe for disaster

    I tend to disagree. It depends on how you define disaster in this context, but in my view we’re currently experiencing an acceleration in the continuum of the transition from the purely human to the purely technological. Whether you regard that as a disaster is debatable. In my view it is inevitable…hence, I think that brevity in communication is increasingly important.

    The Telenator

    Let me answer this one ‘backwards’ if you will. I think the bit about ‘brevity’ here is a basic misunderstanding between our words or usage. A great case in point is a comparison between Reaper’s and Podium’s Guides. Reaper goes long and into great detail with each topic and how to use any very technical feature. I believe you cannot come away from their somewhat long-winded chapters without feeling extremely confident. In Podium’s, topics tend to be breezed over, often in short paragraphs and with little or no illustrations, arrows or support. I was actually doing rather better with Podium before I decided I ought to read the Guide, yet after each attempt I usually had a headache and was left confused as to what exactly was being discussed.

    Regarding my own writing as in these threads, so, it seems now that it is not the usual length as much as my recent subject matter. Unfortunately, I am not a newbie here, so I can’t post a troublesome yet very different problem each thread. However, after the lot of us recently rehashed all feature requests, posting comments and a poll or two, following which I took an entire evening to post a sort of ‘Podium Critique”, we then experienced a groundswell of deafening silence concerning practically all of it. Now, imagine my dismay concerning that and also the fact that I had recently licensed and put in a truly huge amount of time learning Podium and attempting to make workarounds for each lack of a feature as I encountered them, one by one. Please add to that the fact that I was attracted to Podium in part by Zynewave’s own words on its home page, talking about the many ‘user-driven’ and forthcoming upgrades, and how Frits, though a one-man dev show for sure, was in a spot to devote all his time to improvements.

    Well, apparently, things had changed, the page had not been updated, and I was completely unaware of this. Knowing then that my cause was futile, I decided to take a season to annoyingly drive home a few choice points of fact. Do keep in mind that I have always been among the first and loudest to praise Zynewave and Podium for its virtues and achievements. I believe in giving credit where credit is due. But I am meanwhile not of the sort to suffer well anything second rate in either myself, others, or the products I employ. I am no proponent of mediocrity, and there certainly is entirely too much of that in this world of DAWs and today’s digital recordings and personnel. The larger shame is that many of you put up with it well enough, don’t you, aye?

    It should be noted — or perhaps you have seen — that I have since then moved on to other things, including a much heavier reliance on Reaper, among other things. Being no quitter, though, I am still trying to work with Podium as much as is possible. This forum continues to intrigue me as well — it varies from a quiet and sometimes peacefully refreshing place to rather uninspiring, even perhaps depressing at times, and certainly not on fire with much new thought or creativity — all a reflection of the DAW it supports.

    Yes, sorry, this one ran long. I normally do not care to explain my motives for posting whatever it is I have, but I thought I’d make an exception this one time, perhaps able to benefit another forum member.



    I need to say that you’re only partially right. People are not quiet because they put up with the lacks in Podium (or any other DAW) but rather resigned. I know I am. πŸ˜‰ Yes, there are options, there is Reaper, fine, but it’s just anoying that Podium is less than what it could and should be.

    I visit the forum to read the posts everyday. I know everything you and other forumists are posting. I still learn about Podium, but I have to say I am mostly interested in new posts from Frits, hoping that a new version is released, making possible things like time-stretching, mp3, etc.

    While waiting for that, not much to say. Unfortunatelly, even working with Podium is affected. I discovered it is a psychological effect – I tend to see more and more the bad parts or things I cannot do, rather than trying workarounds as before, so Podium stays unused most of the time.

    You’re right about the manual though. Maybe with a new updated release there will be completed manual, updated and comprehensive. Why not – it could and it should be like that! πŸ˜‰


    @The Telenator wrote:

    I was actually doing rather better with Podium before I decided I ought to read the Guide, yet after each attempt I usually had a headache and was left confused as to what exactly was being discussed.

    @adimatis wrote:

    Maybe with a new updated release there will be completed manual, updated and comprehensive.

    Frits has recently ported the manual to another domain and has called for editors. His request is limited to licensed users, to avoid vandalism I’m guessing. You’ll find the thread in the V.I.P. Lounge for info on how to volunteer. I presume it will be added to the Podium installer at each release.

    Frits had called for co-authors to the guide in this site’s Wiki. Soon after he did the guide became much more comprehensive. I believe there is an entry for all features.

    @adimatis wrote:

    … making possible things like time-stretching, mp3, etc.

    While waiting for that, not much to say. Unfortunatelly, even working with Podium is affected. I discovered it is a psychological effect – I tend to see more and more the bad parts or things I cannot do, rather than trying workarounds as before, so Podium stays unused most of the time.

    I’ve been here 3 years and in that time Podium’s restrictions continue to melt away. Some releases profoundly extending its capabilities.

    Podium has its own paradigm, therefore its own vernacular and limitations. This doesn’t mean it is determined to exclude time-stretching/mp3 output. Frits has intimated that these technologies are expensive as 3rd party licenses and would rather develop his own. Personally, I like that Podium is all his coding.

    Time-stretching is a popular request. It takes time to develop a sample/re-synthesis engine and it’s on his ‘to do’ list. Personally, I don’t regard it crucial to qualifying Podium as DAW. At the same time Adimatis’ frustrations are familiar. There are times I wish to execute certain processes on audio only to think, “This could be achieve much quicker and easier in ‘software X‘”. Then I persist to reach the desired outcome or abandon the awkward, ‘flow killing’ work for another idea.

    So feel free to pm Fritz your interest in consolidating the guide and picture the joyous day your requests appear in the Releases thread πŸ™‚

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